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#SimplyOloniShow PRESS PLAY & READ THE LATEST DILEMMAS 26. January 2016


Hey oloni how do I tell my boyfriend his breath smells without him taking it the wrong way , he always has this odur smell that turns me off , I’ve put up with it for so long , what do I do 25. January 2016

Hey lovely,

It’s not the end of the world. Just tell him. The thing with these things it’s all about approaching the person with love and also being proactive enough to give practical help so that they know you really mean well. So start off saying something like “babes I’ve been noticing an odour coming from your mouth for a while now and I was wondering if we can set up an appointment with your GP so we can get to the root of this because it might be a sign of underlying health issues and I’m worried” << that approach is different to simply saying “your breath stinks” which is often used to cuss people so when it’s actually an issue people get all defensive because they think you’re attacking them. So find out his GP and you both can book an appointment for him and go together. It may also have something to do with his diet. Dairy products can set that off, halitosis also, H. Pylori could be an issue, it could be something to do with his dental hygiene or his stomach/tonsils/throat, various things. It’s important to not assume that it’s because he simply doesn’t brush his teeth, especially if you see him do that daily because that might not be the case either. There are so many causes. Also don’t assume he doesn’t know, some people do and just have zero clue what to do about it so get used to it. So you (one of the people who care about him) should be the last person to chicken out when it comes to telling him the truth. Discussing things about the body can be awks but I do think if approached well you can find a solution.

-Ebi. A

Hi Oloni, I’ve been with my boyfriend going on two years. I was a virgin going into the relationship. Sometimes we would try and no success. Yesterday we had sex for the first time, but i didn’t bleed and I wasn’t in any pain. Now my boyfriend thinks I’ve done something to lose my virginity. I’ve not been with anybody but him. What do I do to convince him Im telling the truth? 25. January 2016


Your boyfriend is being ridiculous and I’m sorry that’s the “first time” experience you’ve had. What you need to do is tell your boyfriend to read a book and educate himself. Everyone is different. He needs to get himself together and approach you correctly because he’s being very disrespectful. Maybe take him to the sexual health clinic and talk with a professional so he get’s some professional insight into how these things work. As for you I personally hope this is just the first time he has shown signs of being so paranoid and controlling (going along the assumption that you haven’t given him any reason to be) because if it isn’t this is worrying and if it isn’t nipped in the bud asap it can get really messy and can turn into him questioning/controlling your every move. So book an appointment at the clinic where you both can explain exactly what happened and seek advice and make it very clear to him that that behaviour can’t run.

Good luck,

-Ebi. A

hi Oloni, so I guy i have been seeing for quite some time has all of a sudden stopped calling and he used to call me every single day. I’m not sad about it because I had second thoughts about him deep down but never showed that I did. He always used to declare his feelings for me and we even had sex. Do u think he was a damn right player or could there be other reasons? 25. January 2016

Hey lovely,

There are endless possibilities, he could be a player or he could just be in a bad space or going through some things, either way it’s rude and you’re better off taking the necessary steps required to move forward. There’s no point obsessing over his reasons because even if he does give a reason who is to say that it’s the truth? So just do you girl, time will tell, if it’s meant to be it will be.

-Eb. A

Hey I’m in a relationship with my boyfriend for 5 months now and he has recently expressed that he doesn’t think I’m feminine or “soft” enough. He doesn’t think I’m filling my girlfriend role in terms of emotionally being there, or being caring. He says he doesn’t know how to explain the rest but I’m really confused. 25. January 2016

Hey lovely,

He’s basically trying to say you’re emotionally detached but doesn’t know how to say that. The expectation is that because you’re a woman you’d be at least overtly “emotional” when dealing with certain situations, but this assumption doesn’t consider the fact that there are woman out there that aren’t as forthcoming with their emotions, which doesn’t necessarily mean they are less emotional, it just means they process their emotions in a different way/don’t feel comfortable being “emotional” in front of someone else. It’s only been 5 months he needs to understand that you have a different way of doing things and that it’s nothing personal (if there’s a reason why you’re this way explain ie. previous relationships/upbringing, explain that to him. Then make it clear to him that for you to move forward he will need to give you practical advice, so things he wants you to do more of and then you try and implement that without it being forced (in an uncomfortable way).

Good luck

-Ebi. A

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