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Hi Oloni. There this guy I’ve been messing with on and off for about a year. We’ve done everything together even to the extent of having sex, but he never put a title on it. We basically had a bond with no title. So he came back into my life recently & off course now I’m currently talking to somone else & he won’t leave me alone. He basically said he doesn’t want to let me go & he doesn’t want me talking to anyone else. He gets very obessive & he’s manipulative. He also went to the extent of choking me & almost “raping” me. But off course I went back again & we had sex. But I have this new guy and I don’t know what to do. I would love to be with him, but he doesn’t want a relationship right now. I’m confused.
27. September 2015
You need to leave both men alone, especially the one who you described as obsessive. He’s treating you as if he owns you, he choked you and was sexually indecent towards you. Are you after a happy relationship or are you looking for a guy who can fill an empty void?
Hey Oloni, I’ve been talking to this guy for quite some while now and things seem to be going well but at the same time not. When we are together/phone calls, everything clicks and flows but, via what’s app or text, it’s awful. People always tell me I come across as blunt via social media, but I can’t help it, I’m a face 2 face person! I don’t know what to do because, we are both students so we are occupied most of the time, shall I suggest to go out or something? I never usually give guys any time of day but, I’m fond of him so I’ve been trying and it seems he is quite fond of me too. Any suggestions or tips?
27. September 2015
Suggesting a date isn’t a bad idea use it to figure out if things are going somewhere. Or if you’re both equally as interested into each other. Try a cheap date at restaurant or meet up and get a drink together. Also ask about his thoughts on how you both communicate.
Is it strange if your fuck buddy who you’re not close with asks to borrow money?
27. September 2015
Yes it makes him lame.
Hi, I was dating a guy and we ended it because he was still talking to his ex. Months later, he’s now completely separated from her. We’ve begun talking again and it’s clear that we’re still very attracted to each other, but I don’t want to sleep with him until we take things to the next level (relationship). How can I encourage him to take this/me seriously? Thanks.
20. September 2015
Spend more time with him, get to know each other. Make sure he’s someone you want to be in a relationship with and talk about where you’d like things to head. Show that you’re serious about things by simply showing a serious interest and making some time for him. The thing with ‘encouraging’ him to take you seriously seems like you’re asking how to push it towards that direction, but if you’re made for each other and compatible no encouraging will have to take place.
Okay so I get along with this guy-pure friendship and all- yet he never hollers. If I holler, he’s all cool and says stuff like ‘It’s good to hear from you’ yet why cant he initiate convo?Please give your honest opinion
20. September 2015
The interest you may have in him, may not be mutual. He probably sees you as a just a friend.
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