Hi oloni i know you get tons of messages lol i’ve been asking this question for so long but no response its just that im soo soo confused and i need you to help me theres this guy that i really like i mean he is perfect he is everything i want in a guy we’ve been talking for a while now like everyday and i recently told him how i feel but he didn’t really say anything actually he found me funny after telling him how i feel we still talk everyday nothing has really changed but he hasn’t brought the topic up again…he also gives me mixed signals sometimes so i really don’t know how he feels towards me..should i ask him if he likes me?? Am i wasting my time or should i give him some time and see how it goes?
29. November 2015
I’d like to know what you said when you told him how you felt. Nonetheless, if it’s something he’s sort of shrugged off followed by mixed signals, he’s not that into you
Hi Oloni, congrats on your award and your metro job. Here is my problem (I think I’ve posted before but don’t think it worked!) I have been with my other half for almost ten years. We have a family and are generally very happy. We have our ups and downs, like all relationships, but overall are happy and love each other. Recently, however, I have developed a bit of a silly crush on a guy at work. I would never act on it because I love my partner and wouldn’t risk that for anything, but I keep finding myself making silly fantasies in my head about this guy like I’m a teenager! I think the guy has a thing for me to but I’ve been avoiding him because I don’t want to get into any flirting. Problem is, the more I avoid him the more I think about him. Is this normal? What do I do?
29. November 2015
I answered a similar question last night on here. Creating fantasies in your head are perfectly natural, but it’s quite clear you’re starting to develop a crush on the guy at work and there will always be people out there other than your partner that you will find attractive, so maybe this could just be a phase that will soon fade away. Whatever you do, don’t act on the fantasies going through your head.
Hi Oloni i just wanted to know is it normal to have a tight pussy all the time ? 2 of my ex’s enjoyed it but my current partner seems annoyed sometimes because i’m tight and get dry quickly which ruines the mood for the both of us. What can i do about this ?
29. November 2015
Invest in some lubricant and make sure you’re indulging in 20-30 minutes of foreplay before everything else.
I slept with a guy on the first date. He’s been polite & quite caring since and before but I don’t want that to ruin things. How do I stillget to know him & tell him I don’t want to have sex again till we properly know where’re we’re going or is too late? Is he gonna not rate me for now on?
29. November 2015
When you’re having a conversation next and not a ‘Hey how are you’ quick phone call/text but a proper good ol conversation tell him that you’d prefer if you go to know each other more before getting physical again.
Hey Oloni, after a messy break up at 8 months pregnant with my sons dad we ‘reconnected’ after my son was born and started a purely sexually relationship. We have the best sex and we were at it everyday multiple times. I soon started to miss the emotional side of a partner , began dating the man of my dreams accept he is very inexperienced in the bedroom and a lot smaller than in use too down below. He can only last 1 round for 10 minutes max with on position where as me and my sons father would go all night with so much passion. I’ve since been sexting with my sons dad again and really miss the best sex of my life but don’t want to loose out on a good man for something that may not be so important. Please help
29. November 2015
Sexual compatibility is important to a lot of people, so don’t cross it off the list if this is something you need in a relationship. It’s up to you now to decide what you want to do in terms of continuing the relationship. Perhaps you could try and bring toys into the bedroom that will help him last longer, such as a cock ring. They do help.
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