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READ: 9 Things You Should Probably Stop Saying To People In Long-Term Relationships
30. November 2015
Being in a happy long-term relationship will always have its perks, but I’m so tired of seeing blogs on what not to say to single people. What about US? We get asked questions we too don’t know how to answer and… Read more here
Hi Oloni. So my dilemma is that recently I don’t get to see my bf often. We talk everyday but go like 2 weeks without seeing each other. It’s mostly because of his work, he says he’s always tired or he finishes at some stupid time like 1am. We can see each other on the weekend but even then he always cancels or forgets plans that don’t involve sex. But when we do make plans to have sex he can see me after work/weekends/when he’s tried etc. I’ve tried to bring this up in convo but it always turns into an argument. He says he cares for me and I’m more than sex, but it doesn’t feel like that anymore. We’ve been seeing each other 2 years and it’s ony the past 6 months since we’ve broken up and been on and off that he’s been acting like this. Do you think he wants to be single and have a regular piece of ass. Like am I really he’s girl or just a glorified fuck buddy?
30. November 2015
He’s getting what he can when it’s convenient for him. Let this go.
Hi I was seeing this guy for 6 months and we were getting quite serious but I found out he had a gilfriend should I let the girl know or not tell but I really like him and I’m so confused
30. November 2015
Let that ship sail and stay out of it.
READ: 8 Reasons Why Carrie Should Have Ended Up With Aidan
30. November 2015
I’m a die hard Sex and The City fan, so much my Twitter bio used to read ‘The Black Carrie Bradshaw…with a weave’ but after seeing nearly every sex and relationship writer refer to themselves as Carrie I quickly took it out.
But deep down Candace Bushnell created a character that inspires me everyday. She allowed me to think about dating, hook-ups, relationships, the ‘if’s’ and the ‘but’s’ of finding true love. One thing I always questioned was … Read more here
Hey oloni, me and my boyfriend of 6 years are finally getting married! There’s one problem, both of our families want traditional weddings. I’m Turkish and he’s Ghanaian. We’ve spoken about it but neither of us can decide which tradition to go with. I really don’t mind going with his traditions, I’m very happy to do so but my family are refusing to only go with their tradition, they want ours to be celebrated too. We don’t have the kind of luxury to be doing both so we have to pick one and I feel like it’s tearing us apart. Just yesterday he started shouting at me because “I’m not thinking about his family’s feelings and that I should be the one to compromise. ” Which pissed me off because that’s exactly what I’m trying to do but he’s not making any effort to do the same. I’m willing to compromise but my family are the ones pressuring me. And then he went on to say “if You’re not going to do so then there’s no point in getting married” wth? This is bringing a real strain on our relationship and I’ve tried to speak with him and communicate that my family are pressuring me the same way his are to him. I’m so lost because he’s currently ignoring me and I have no idea what’s going to happen. I’m scared this is going to end badly. I love him so much, we’ve been together since 20 years old… This can’t be how it ends. What do I do oloni? Nobody is being helpful in this situation. Not even my friends. Should we just call it quits?
30. November 2015
I think you both need a breather, because it’s clear you’re both receiving a lot of pressure from both sides of your family. You need to sit down and think of a healthy way to compromise for yourselves not your family. Yes tradition is great and understandable as to why it’s important, but a day that is meant to be a celebration should not be causing these types of arguments. Find a way for you both to meet each other half way. Good luck.
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