The Simply Oloni Radio Show
2. January 2016
Hi, this isn’t exactly a relationship question, but I’d really appreciate some perspective on this.. I’m a 21 yr old female & I have a family friend who’s 12 years older than me. When I was 4 & he was 16 our families had a BBQ and he was asked to look after me for the duration of it. About half way through he took me to his room and started explaining how grown ups make babies and asked if I wanted him to show me. I didn’t. He got his penis out anyway, made me touch/hold it and sit on him while he was naked to simulate sex. I got upset & ran away, but I never told anyone and I thought no more of it until recently when my dad told me he’s become primary school teacher (reception and yr 1) Finding that out reminded me of what had happened and I now feel worried/scared about what this mans intentions may be working with children. Am I over reacting? Should I say something after all these years?
1. January 2016
Opening up about your past experience would be saving so many other childeren. He took advantage of his resbonibilities and should be punished not being given a new job role that involves kids especially as teachers are those parents trust. I would advise you to speak to the police and report what you know but also (if you haven’t) speak to someone close and who you trust.
I’ve been with my boyfriend for a while now and everything was going great so I thought. We have some of the same friends and I recently found out that he told one of our friends that he’s not satisfied with me in bed. What do I do?
1. January 2016
Urgh! He messed up bad. You need to speak to him asap and let him know what you were told. Your sex life shouldn’t be topic of discussion especially if you have the same friendship group. Let him know how you feel about it and carry on from there.
I spent last weekend with my bf and I really enjoyed it, it was the first time I had stayed over (parents are strict they don’t know) I made some excuse. We have been together for 3 years and I’m 20 he is 27. He treated me like such a queen. While he was taking a shower I went through his old phone he claims to not use anymore. I saw notifications from tinder saying you have a new message from about 3 different girls. I was heartbroken and I still am. I wanted to ask him face to face what was going on but I couldn’t bring myself to do it so put on a fake act and when I got home I texted him telling him I knew. He was calm and reassured me that his friend had his phone for a while and had put a passcode on it that he doesn’t know it to. His friend needs to get everything off that phone before he can wipe it completely. He assured me that if I had confronted him face to face that he would’ve rang his friend on loud speaker and proved this to me. I feel heartbroken and I don’t know what to believe. I had such a good weekend with him and miss him like crazy but this has really ruined things.
1. January 2016
This is a tough one because he could be telling the truth but he could also be lying. Go with what your gut is telling you and in the future never dispute things via text.
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