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Hey, By weighing up the opportunity cost of hanging about and identifying the things you value. I personally think if it’s meant to be it will be even if you go on and do your own thing. I don’t believe in putting your own life, happiness and well-being on pause for anyone, I see having to do that as a sign that you’re not compatible at that moment in time. When you’re both on the same page pursue that situation, but for as long as you’re not, do you (doing you doesn’t necessarily mean seeing other people, it means you’re open to it and your life is not on pause). -Ebi. A Hey lovely, This happens to a lot of girls. There are various reasons. But typically you’re not the guys only option when dating so it’s bound to happen when people are getting to know more than one person at a time, that’s my theory at least. I’m sure different guys have their own unique reasons but listen you’re 20, don’t rush or force anything. Don’t even internalise it, as far as none of them are telling you why they ducked out, all you can do is just go with the flow and maybe only entertain guys that come to you sure of what they want and fully understand exactly what you want. Hope this helped. -Ebi. A Hey, What happened was the condom break scared him and reality hit him that you are definitely NOT the woman he wants a child with. He knew he had no intention of getting into a relationship with you but continued because that’s what sleazy guys do when they know someone else wants more. So see this condom break as this momentary eureka moment like “wow I almost became a father with someone I don’t plan to take seriously” and then as they do, he sent you a text telling you exactly what it is and as a lot of women do, you’re trying to fight it because you’re hurt. Instead of fighting it, take this as your LUCKY ESCAPE, you dodged a bullet, had that condom break have never occurred he’d probably continue sleeping with you and playing with your feelings. So no, don’t contact him. If you need to vent write down how you feel but this is definitely someone you need to go cold turkey on and not message because he can’t give you what you want and let’s be real you’re low-key also upset at the fact that you didn’t see it coming and you probably wanted more, after all the way he handled it in the end is probably just one of many other reasons why you’re upset. So go cold turkey, block him, distract yourself, surround yourself with friends (even though you probs don’t want to) and eventually date again and remember how dope you are. Hope this helped. -Ebi. A Hey, It seems to me that this is something you’re not willing to compromise on (rightly so) and I think that in turn means that you’re not as compatible as you initially thought you were, it’s okay, it happens. If I was you, I’d leave. One for the fact that he doesn’t seem to be respecting your view at all, he comes across as selfish (based on the reasons/excuses he keeps giving you) and because you cannot change him and you shouldn’t assume you can. It’s crazy that you feel like you won’t find someone you’re compatible with when the one you’re with is someone you’re not compatible with. You need to snap out of that mindset because there are over 7 billion people in this world and your future husband/bae is one of them. The truth is you want a child, you can try and pretend that you don’t want one but you’ll just be deceiving yourself. Choose your happiness over settling for less EVERY SINGLE TIME. -Ebi. A Hey lovely, Always go with your gut instinct, especially when it’s always right. Also, don’t be frustrated, it’s also happened to me. It’s just what comes with the dating game and it’s important not to internalise these things. Sometimes it helps to switch up your approach, if you’re always going for the same type of guys, try something new. It might also help to talk to some of those guys who didn’t end up being boyfriends but are now your friends, if any, ask them what they thought about dating you and as long as you can handle brutal honesty, ask them to be honest. If you find yourself giving too much of yourself earlier on, (some guys get bored very quickly) try and pace yourself. But all in all the one that’s meant for you will come your way eventually…so don’t sweat it too much and most times he/she usually comes along when you’re simply being yourself (and sometimes when you’re done with guys entirely haha). But girl, there are too many single people in this world for you to start thinking you’re the odd one out. -Ebi.A
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