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So I’m in a bit of a mess. There are two girls in my life atm (I’m not a player or anything) it’s just how it’s turned out to be. The first one Lala is my ex girlfriend, I was really in love with her but she broke up with me a few weeks till our long distance relationship was to become a normal one. Since we’ve been back in the same country, we’ve hooked up a couple of times but things aren’t really the same. I try to deny I have feelings for her, but whenever I’m around her flashes of how things used to be start coming back. She’s given hints of us getting back together, I really loved her and I was her first so I don’t want to seem like a fuckboy by leaving her for someone else, but I don’t know mahn there’s Toni. I like Toni, though we’ve never dated or had sex (just made out and done other stuff) she’s a good next step from my ex, and I like the fact that out of everything she supports my goals. She’s a flower about to bloom. She’s like my number one cheer leader and everything I do she wants to help with it and it makes me want to work harder for her. Well she wanted a relationship but for some weird reason I just couldn’t, maybe because I’m scared of commitments because of how my ex pulled the plug on everything a few days to us being back in the same country. But she recently told me she was done with me, because I’m hot then I’m cold. It’s really because I don’t know what to do. Lala is reserved and nice, Toni is a bit more chatty and can have a temper. They are both beautiful women. Lala might kinda have a finer face, but Toni’s body is lit. Friends say that I’ll eventually fight with Toni, and Lala’s a better option because I’ve experienced a relationship with her. I’m in a bit of a rut here. It’s lame af for guys to ask Oloni. But what can I do? 30. January 2016


Firstly a lot of guys write in so no it’s not weird lmao. I think you’re confused and I think you really need to take some time out and weigh up your options, so if you ask me, no relationship for you right now haha. I think by the way in which you described them both you gave pro’s and con’s for both *side eye to the body and face comparisons* lool, but what you need to do is genuinely ask yourself does Toni’s temper worry you, don’t assume you can handle it, ask yourself honestly because she can motivate you so much but can RUIN anything you’ve built for yourself with that temper. I’m not saying reserved girls are the best what I’m saying is that it’s important that your girl knows how to carry herself in public, knows how to communicate appropriately and it’s important she represents you well, same way it’s important you represent her well. There’s a lot to lose when someone has limited control of their emotions. I don’t think you should stay with your ex just for the fact that you took her virginity because she may be better off without you (it happens) but I do think that if you do have feelings for her and you want to work  on the things that you claim are not same anymore, then do it. That’s my opinion based on the limited info you provided but please do think carefully about it and weigh up more of these factors: values each hold/character/behaviour things like that….face and body won’t save your relationship when shxt hits the fan.



Hey, i’ve had a few situationships and i’ve started talking to a really nice man. He’s ambitious, good looking and well mannered too! It’s early days but i think i could really like him. I dont want another situationship, i want more. How do i find out his intentions whilst being subtle? I know that if he doesnt want a relationship i cant force one, so i want to find out before i get in too deep, but im scared that if i ask then it could ruin it too. Thanks in advance 🙂 30. January 2016


The right man for you will understand that that’s simply an important question to ask when working your way into a relationship. You technically can’t “ruin” something by simply wanting clarity. A guy who sees you asking a simple question on his views on relationships and you stating your views on relationships as “ruining” the moment isn’t a guy that planned to take you seriously in the first place and being hesitant to ask the necessary questions is EXACTLY how people end up in situationships (and I’m sure you know all too well that in situationships the guy are almost always VERY vocal as to what they want but we ladies are sitting there afraid to offend). Don’t water down your points, say it as it is and hope that he respects it, if he doesn’t then he’s not the one for you. Something like “I want to know whether or not you’re getting to know me with the hopes of eventually pursuing a relationship with me or you have no plans to get in one” and don’t accept ‘I just want to see where things go” as a valid answer. Make it clear that you want to know exactly what he is seeking.




Hey Oloni, I was dating this guy for a while and I eventually fell in love with him only for me to find out that he was having things with other girls when we were together and hooking up with other girls. I was evidently really hurt because I loved him, and till date I can never forgive myself for not listening to my guts, because I could feel that something was wrong but I felt like I was just being negative and chose to listen to my best friend instead (she believed he was a good guy and said i didn’t have to worry about anything) the whole situation drove me crazy and i couldn’t get over it for about 7 months. He also lied to my best friend when we were together, telling her that I was the only girl etc, basically trying to get her to believe he’s a good guy. My bestfriend was there when i was crying my eyes out, she knew very well that he hurt me really badly and she’s still friends with him… very good friends with him in fact. I feel very uncomfortable with their friendship because why would she want 30. January 2016


When you’re healing you have to do what’s best for you and that may include distancing yourself from people you never thought you’d distance yourself from and finding comfort in other people. It’s usually during these times that you see who your real friends are and where their loyalty lies. So I’d advise you to distance yourself and focus on your healing and surround yourself with friends you can count on. Don’t let your friend attempt to make you feel comfortable with something you’re not comfortable with and tbh I don’t believe you need to tell her that that is unacceptable behaviour, she’s probably not daft. So just focus on getting better and being a better you. Practical advice: Throw yourself into your passions, go out with or talk more with the friends that you can count on, if you don’t have them, make those friends, don’t isolate yourself, you’ll get lost in your thoughts and take your time.


Hey Oloni, I’ve been seeing this boy since April last year and I really do like him, I’m not sure if he likes me back tho 🙁 round about November I told him that I wanted to be in a relationship with someone, he said that he thinks we should “just chill” but how long are we going to be “chilling” for? What do I do? I think he may be scared of the age difference cos I’m 18 and he’s 21. But I don’t want to get my heart broken PLEASE HELP! 30. January 2016


I honestly think he’s not that interested in you. The fact that we’re now at the end of January and you have no idea whether he likes you is a HUGE red flag. Stop making excuses for his behaviour, he probably isn’t afraid of the age difference, if he was he wouldn’t have gone there in the first place. Let this one go. Because  this thing he calls “chilling” is a situationship and those never end well. You’re young don’t let someone hold you back from prospering please and when if he eventually ever feels ready to be in a relationship he will come to you and make that clear. But for now it’s time to duck out and you do that by wearing less and going out more. I joke, you do that by distancing yourself and focusing on other things.


-Ebi. A

My ex didn’t treat me too well about 6 weeks ago we broke up. He continued to put another girl before me and kept saying he wouldn’t stop talking to her, even though I never asked him to. We still have feelings for each other, he seems different now and is making a real effort with me. But he wants me to win him back because I ended it…. I don’t think I am in the wrong. Do I try to win him back now? I’m not sure if I will have the same problem in another 6 weeks. (Not to mention, me, my ex, & the girl I mentioned before all work in the same place now, so that’s awkward). 30. January 2016


Win him back for what? I don’t understand how that became your role. I can understand expecting mutual effort at this point but as for him expecting you to fight for him as if he didn’t offend you is quite absurd. Tell him where you’re at on this situation and tell him you’re struggling to trust him, see what he says and how you believe he needs to respect your feelings/concerns…start there, if he’s still being disrespectful then your only other option is to move forward and just maintain a professional work relationship with him and the girl.

-Ebi. A

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