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Hey, You can do what you like. Go about your life or talk to her. I personally don’t think she will stop harassing you until she gets the information she needs, having said that if you feel uncomfortable talking to her, you do not have to talk to her. I would go the easier route, have a short and direct conversation with her detailing the main occurrences, answer any of her questions, then ask her to respectfully leave you alone as you don’t want any part of their marriage problems as you were not aware of that commitment until afterwards and walked away when you found out. Ebi Hey, Make your mind up and be honest with your boyfriend. Do not drag him down with your indecision. Do not be selfish and keep him there whilst you talk to the old guy. Be very honest, do not sugarcoat it and do it now, so that he doesn’t get too invested in you, then go your separate ways. But for as long as you’re in a monogamous relationship you owe it to your partner to be respectful and transparent. Ebi Hey, Go ahead, just don’t rush back into it and if you start afresh maybe change the dynamics of who has a say on anything that goes on in your relationship. {if your relationship was toxic however and your parents are right, please leave it in the past and seek your healing) Ebi Hey lovely, If that is indeed true and you have evidence proving he has a girlfriend, what you do is leave him and go about your life. Don’t be THAT girl. You can lose so much being that girl. Also never allow anyone to treat you like you’re second best. Hope this helped. Ebi Logically, not you’re not wrong. You can do as you please from the moment you end things.. however, how would you feel if it was the other way round? It really does depend on how the relationship ended, if you were all in love and realised that it just wasn’t going to work, then to many it would be heart-breaking to see you with another woman after a month. If it was a relationship that was just ‘meh’ and ended, then it’d be whatever. I can understand why she feels that way, but in all honesty, how she feels is no longer any of your business, so she needs to keep that to herself. I hope I’m making sense? I’d suggest that you literally remove each other on social media. You’re not together, but you don’t need an ex putting a time frame on when you can date again. Oloni
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