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First thing’s first, you need to tell your girlfriend about the new pregnancy. You messed up when you thought going to the house of the girl your girlfriend wasn’t fond of was a good idea. Her inviting you around should have been a triggering moment despite how platonic your relationship was. Regardless, what’s done is done and you have to deal with the reality of things. It’s up to your girlfriend to decide on whether or not she wants to stay with you, you lost the chance to have the normal break up and ‘let’s see how it goes if we get back together’ the moment you cheated. I don’t even think your focus should be on making sure you don’t lose her, but simply telling her the news followed by several heart felt apologies. You have a child your bringing into this world, that should be your main concern. Oloni I’ll rewrite that for you ‘Hi Oloni, I’m going to try keep this short. My ex-fiancé/ ex-boyfriend of over 7 years has cheated on me. But that’s not all, he got her pregnant and I’m moving on with my life, because I deserve better. Way better.’ Wait, so he took off the condom? If he did that is a huge violation of trust, especially if he knows how you feel and that’s exactly why you’re annoyed about all of this. You had the discussion with your partner about children and even practice safe sex, so he had no reason to do what he did. I’ll be very honest, your boyfriend sounds crazy. Who the hell does that? Him getting the morning after pill still doesn’t cut it when the act has already been done. He had no right do that especially when you never said he could. I would suggest you go to a sexual health clinic for a follow up and a test. I also think you need to pause this relationship completely, ‘I got carried away’ is not an excuse to potentially get someone pregnant, what he did was very serious. Oloni Hey hun, your boyfriend shouldn’t be policing your outfits, especially when it’s knocking down your confidence. The first question running through my mind is, ‘does he know?’ – You need to have a conversation because what you allow now, will only continue in the future. Someone who wants to be with you should never want to result to spite. He is being completely spiteful. It’s unfair and wrong on so many levels. I would also tell you to have a think about this relationship deeply because this also seems like a red flag. Oloni He is stupid… but I wouldn’t tell you to leave his stupid ass.. yet. Tell him how it made you feel and in the words of Kylie Jenner, allow him to ‘realise’ how inappropriate his words were. It’s disrespectful when a guy in a relationship talks like that behind his girls back especially about a colleague. This isn’t even a celebrity, the girl he’s talking about literally works with him. How’d he feel if it was the other way around? Oloni
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