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Hello Oloni. Is allowing a guy to grind/hump his groin against yours when you are both fully clothed until he reaches his peak , considered as losing your virginity?
21. December 2017
No hun
Similar to the boogie situation that I’ve read on here my man has a slight hygiene problem. He has serious BO after sex and I don’t know what to suggest. Prior to sex etc he’s fine- his natural scent is nice, but when he starts sweating it’s all over. I don’t know how to directly say you smell. Usually I’ll suggest we shower after sex together or I’ll open the windows, but how do I tell him that his sweat stinks!! I bought some deodorant and was going to jokingly suggest he apply before we get freaky but my friends said that’s so rude. Any suggestions on what I can do.. I don’t want to hurt his ego but at the same time… surely he knows?
21. December 2017
Sex in itself, is full of it’s own scent, so it’s normal for there to be an after smell on the both of you. However, this doesn’t mean it should be “bad” stench. Talk to your boo hun, before you have sex next, just explain what you’ve noticed. Your partner, can’t and shouldn’t get mad when you communicate something regarding hygiene. It may hurt, but I’m sure he’ll be glad you told him. You cannot come and kill yourself, due to how he smells after sex. Be honest.
Hey Oloni I thought I should update u , I was the young lady who had a child with a guy I was dating and he only gave me £130 every month and used to go to his mums so his mums house on the weekend to rave . 1 1/2 yrs later I took ur advice kicked him out , broke up with him a couple months later also called child maintenance on his ass now he gives me £140 just for having a child with him how ironic after he gave me less when we lived together I met someone else and we are engaged. It’s the best descision ever, and for him, well he works more hrs now and has cut down raving but I’m good over here living my best life . Thanks once again for all advice and u Twitter ppl are so helpful I read all ur comments and made a decision
21. December 2017
Happy to hear this, congrats!
PLEASE HELP. I have this boy who is head over heels for me, he wants to give me his world and I’m kinda letting him…he found me at a time that I call my “selfish years” where I’m focusing on the betterment of myself and my growth in life and I really didn’t want a boyfriend during this time because I don’t think I can make that investment and I still don’t think I can. I have a sugar daddy and other “hoes” that I all met before him but he insists on trying to be #1 in my life. He literally gives me anything I ask for and is in love with me but I know I don’t feel the same way and I’m basically using the fuck outta him….what should I do??
21. December 2017
Express that you’re not looking for a relationship, you can’t force yourself to be with someone, when you’re not ready. When the time comes, writing to me won’t be an option because, you’ll know what you want.
Was bantering with my man and he said my breath smells but I took it to heart and it sounds silly but we had an argument about it. I think generally he does not limit his jokes and they can come across quite harsh but how do I talk to him about this without getting into an argument because this is like the third time it’s happened now?
21. December 2017
Okay, but what were you saying to him? Either way, if you feel like he goes too far, tell him that it gets to you, but make sure you’re keeping that same energy also. Especially if you were BOTH bantering.
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