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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hey, Is it cheating if my man adds an attractive girl on snapchat who he isn’t friends with, just to watch her snaps? Because that’s how he justifies adding random ladies he finds attractive but if he has me, why isn’t that enough to look at? I send him snaps, nudes, photos, you name it, so I’m really struggling to understand his reasoning and debating if my relationship should end because of it 🙁 Please Oloni, what would you advise that I do? 3. January 2018

If it bothers you, tell him. It’s weird to add random girls on snapchat unless they’re celebrities I guess. How would he feel if you added random men?




Hey Oloni, firstly I don’t want to be giving you my problems without expressing how grateful I am for your platform because you’re awesome! Now onto my dilemma: my boyfriend is divorced but he recently changed his WhatsApp display photo, and it was him at his wedding. He was alone in the photo and I’m assuming it might be because he thinks he looked good/suited and booted, but I’m wondering why he shared that photo? I’ve been concerned that he’s not over his ex wife so seeing that photo has made me think. Even if I ask, my boyfriend insists that he’s moved on but this photo makes me think otherwise. Am I overreacting? 26. December 2017

Thank you for writing in. I’ll be real with you, it’s just a nice photo of himself that he likes. He’s not separated from his exwife, he’s signed papers and agreed to leave a relationship that was once witnessed by many. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.

I think deep down you might dislike the fact he was once married, so because of that, you’re projecting your own insecurities on to him.


For 1-2-1 advice with Oloni, book here. 

My man gave me chlamydia from cheating with a girl we both know. We’ve been together for a year so I’ve chosen to forgive him and move forward. I’m struggling more with the chlamydia part rather than the act of him having sex with someone else. I saw your recent posts on sexual health and wanted to know if you had any tips on how I can protect myself better in the future and how often so should go for checks? Also will I be able to have children normally? 26. December 2017

I just want to say, whoever you are, I appreciate you for asking this question, because it never happens.

An obvious must, is condoms during vaginal penetration, anal play and oral pleasure. People seem to forget, or perhaps just don’t know that you can still pass on STI’s through oral sex. Try using water based lube with condoms too.

It’s important to get a check up every 3 months, especially if you’re in a relationship and your partner has put you at risk before. Talk to your sexual health nurse more if you have any other questions.

Also, there is a chance that an STI can cause infertility problems. In some cases what happens is that due to some sexual infections being asymptomatic, some women don’t pick up early on the signs that they’ve been infected, (which is exactly why getting check ups are important) because there’s a huge chance that if it goes untreated for a long time, it can lead it scarring that makes it either hard for you to have children, or completely stops you from being able to procreate.

Check out my latest video on sexual health here.


my boyfriend hit me and racially abused me. he made a really stupid comment about black girls and we argued and he hit me. im shaking with anger right now i want to leave him but i have no where to go. im pregnant and i stay with him in his grandma’s flat and I’ve just had enough of him and her. his grandma is really racist but never to my facebut ive had enough and i want to leave. would i be wrong for just leaving without telling him. and also where can i go as a pregnant woman. 26. December 2017

Hey hun, I’m really sorry to hear what you’re going through it’s disgusting and you need to seek help quickly. I’m unsure of where you’re from, but if you do live in the UK please go to your local council and explain your situation. If you don’t want to do that, try reaching out to a friend. This isn’t just for you any more, but your baby. Your experience could put you in great danger, so please put your baby first and do your absolute best to get out of this situation.



Hi Oloni, something just happened to me right now (well not rn but yesterday). I was horny very very horny, so I used my old battery powered toothbrush to masturbate and for the first time in my 20 yrs I squirted, I wasn’t too sure as I thought it was pee did it again and again and I squirted each time so i’be decided to get a vibrator to use with my bf but my fear is that when he uses it on me and I squirt that will affect sex between us cos he thinks he is so experienced yet he has never made me cum I always have to fake it so when he sees that I squirt when I actually orgasm he’d start to look for that and I won’t be able to fake it anymore. He loves to please me, won’t stop until i cum (fake it) 26. December 2017

Thanks for writing in, but please never use an electric toothbrush to masturbate as it’s not designed for that. As for faking it, have a conversation with your partner and tell him you’d like to incorporate sex toys in the bedroom.

It’s normal for many women to fake it and hopefully one day as a collective we’ll decide to stop, lol.. but it isn’t out of the ordinary. Most women can’t climax through penetration, but through clitoral stimulation. In fact there are several studies which prove 25% of women orgasm through vaginal penetration. Go figure.


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