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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hey Oloni, im in a new relationship with a girl I really like. Unfortunately there is a bit of an issue in the bedroom department. She has a very strong scent down below which can be off putting. As a result Im quite reluctant to go down. I dont want to hurt her feelings but feel I should try and help. What can I do to help the problem? 6. September 2015

If you’re comfortable enough to sleep with someone you have to be comfortable enough to be honest, especially if they’d like oral performed on them. Just be polite about the issue and let her know gently. Some ladies use soap on their lower area hoping it’ll clean their parts well without realising that soap is not to be used there. Ever. Only water. Just talk to her about it. You’ll be fine.

Hey Oloni. I’ve been on a few dates with a guy I met recently, and things seem to be going alright. Now I haven’t spoken to him in two days since our last date and was wondering whether that means he is not interested anymore. Is it really a problem if a guy doesn’t talk to you everyday? 6. September 2015

You don’t have to talk everyday, but remember  you can initiate conversation also.

Hello Oloni. This is a bit embarrassing, but. My problem is that my boyfriend doesn’t like the way my privates look, and has started avoiding sex. He only told me the truth after almost 3 months without. Even before, he’d usually keep the lights off and he’s never tried going down on me. We both had no experience when we met so I think it’s why he was expecting something different?? He watched a lot of porn when he was younger so I think he was expecting the same thing he saw on there and was disappointed when he saw mine… I love him so much, I’m considering bleaching or surgery because I think he loves everything about me expect this one thing, am I the problem. Or is he? 6. September 2015

Your bf has allowed porn to become his sex education. Some men think that every vagina looks the same and they don’t.  They all look different. Just use google and you’ll see the difference in shape, size colour etc. He’s being immature and you need to speak to him about it. If you have major concerns see a gynaecologist, but I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with how it looks.

Hi Oloni, me and my ex are cool but maybe a few months ago he insinuated that he wanted to have sex and I told him no, we’re not like that anymore and how he should stop. he said ok he won’t ask me anymore but as of lately he’s started asking me for things like sex and pictures again. what makes it worse is that the girl he was seeing before is now his official girl. I’ve told him to respect his relationship and even stopped talking to him but he keeps on coming back. is it wrong of me to tell his girl or should I just ignore it? 6. September 2015

Stay out of it & block him.

hi oloni, I’ve been sleeping with this guy for nearly 6months now.he’s 26 and I’m 17. obviously him being so much older than me I feel he naturally has a level of control over me however he has recently started to react badly at me not wanting to be more than we are now, he wants to see me more but I’m worried that if it becomes anything more than it is he will definitely take advantage of me, I only trust him enough to sleep with him when “I” want to. now when he gets annoyed at me for not staying the night with him, he’ll say “it’s okay” but when we’re when we’re having sex I can literally feel that he’s pissed off at me. I even tested him one night, I told him I’d stay and our sex was great. I’ve also noticed how quickly he gets angry and I don’t like that. is it time to break things off with him? 6. September 2015

You need to break things off with him for the simple fact that you’re 17. You should’t be having sex with a guy who’s 26 when you’re under age. I’m sure he knows better also, but the problem here is the fact that he’s taking advantage of a minor. Take a step back and ask yourself again if what you’re in actually feels right. Even if the sex is consensual and you can tell he probably wants more than what you’re giving it’s still not right.

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