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Hi Oloni, I was in a situation with a guy that I once cared about. We separated but now he can’t stop bad mouthing me on social media. I’ve not said anything other than kind words or usually nothing at all. This is all really hurtful and it’s ruining my reputation. I know I’ve been nothing but great to this guy but we just couldn’t work. What can I do about this? Thanks
7. October 2015
It’s immature and he’s wrong for doing that. An approach you can take is calling or messaging asking him to stop. If he still proceeds sadly there isn’t anything you can do as it’s his social platforms, but use the block button so you don’t have to see it. Sooner or later he’ll realise that he just looks like the bitter ex. Plus the things he may be saying on social media speak more about his character than yours. What other woman is going to want to hitch up with him, if that’s how he behaves after a break up?
Hey Oloni. I’ve been dating this girl, in the beginning she was dating someone else well. I knew, but didn’t mind. The closer we grew we agreed to only see each other. But she carried on seeing the other girl. Eventually she stopped when she was faced with the fact that I was going to stop seeing her. We’ve been in a really good place BUT I recently found out they’re talking again but apparently as friends. I’m not comfortable with this, I have told the girl I’m seeing but she thinks I’m exaggerating and isn’t willing to let go of the friendship. I’m not comfortable. Do I walk away or stay and just get over it? I’m so stuck.
7. October 2015
She’s being dishonest and you have a right to feel how do, especially if his has been the subject of a conversation where you expressed your feelings. It’s sneaky and you need to have another word with her and ask if the friendship she has with this person is worth losing you over for.
Hi Oloni. I recently talking. To this guy, we’ve been talking for over a month now & he’s such a sweetheart. Out of the guys I’ve had a relationship with, he treats me like a princess & actually cares about my well being. He’s always there when I need him & I find it so easy to talk to him about anything. But there’s one thing though, we’ve had sex & it wasn’t bad, but I wasn’t stasified because he doesn’t have a big package. I feel like if I end up being in a relationship with him, I’ll end up cheating on him because of the sex.
6. October 2015
Now some women do have these thoughts as sex is a big factor to them, but you have to try out all your tricks before you start having a pessimistic outlook on your sex life with him. Make sure you’re doing everything you can to keep everything ‘hot’ such as different positions, oral and 15-20 minutes of foreplay etc. You also need to sit and think about how vital this part of the relationship is between the two of you.
hi oloni. I have been dating this guy for a while I had no problem with him, until he approached my friend, even tried kissing her,were he told her that he only dated me to get close to her at first and some bad things about me, when I confronted him he blames it on the beer as he was drunk . The thing is he says he still loves me and all that, but I am sure even if we get back I won’t trust him again. What I wanna know is that, should I trust that he did all those things because he was drunk or not?
4. October 2015
This dude sounds like a mess for someone you were only dating. Let it go.
Hi Oloni, I can’t stop thinking about this guy i dated for a couple months last year, until his ex got back in the picture, came to my uni and now they’re together. I feel like I’m still affected by how she approached the situation knowing well that he was dating me. How do i get over him? because i loved him as a friend before we started dating. But it makes me question his motive of even dating me and if his feelings were genuine. help!
4. October 2015
The issue wasn’t her, it was him. She didn’t owe you anything…zip. If the period of the time you were spending together was so important to him, there would have been no way for her to get back into the frame of things. The truth is.. this was a year ago, and you have to stop thinking about it and think of different ways to keep yourself busy. I understand you’re hurt and perplexed but sometimes when you date these are the type of issues you’ll have to face. It’s up to you to decide how you’ll move forward.
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