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Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hi, so I’ve been on and off with someone for 3 years. I’ve never officially made her my girlfriend but we pretty much was in a relationship. Neither of us were seeing anyone else. Till I took interest in someone else. Me and that other person started messing about and now she may be pregnant. The truth of the matter is she was just a rebound. As soon as the girl that’s been my everything for the past 3 years even found out she cut me off completely. I want her back she’s slowly started to come back around but she doesn’t know that this fling that I had got taken too far. Should I just ask her to have an abortion first or just wait? I really love this girl but I know as soon as this news comes out we are done for good. 29. December 2015

It seems like you’ve effed up and after years you’ve finally realised who you want to call your girlfriend due to the pregnancy news. You need to be honest and let this lady know what has happened when you were messing around with someone else, it will be hard for her to deal with, but it can’t/shouldn’t come from anyone else. As for asking the woman you got pregnant to terminate the pregnancy, that’s a conversation you have to have with her, but at this present moment she’s pregnant that the reality of things. If she means as much to you as you’ve explained don’t leave her in the dark.

I met this guy at uni a few months ago, we were seeing each other casually for a while but we didn’t have sex as I’m a virgin and I’m not quite ready. I started to catch feelings for him and I told him this, he told me he don’t feel the same way and that he’s not ready to be in a relationship. This was despite him previously saying stuff to me like “I’ll never hurt you” which would make no sense if you’re not trying to be anything with me. Because he’s around a lot, I had to suck it up and act cool with him, but me and others noticed he gets jealous whenever I speak to his friends, especially one particular one. One time he even took said friend out of the room when I was talking to him and when the friend came back in, he moved away from me and didn’t speak to me. One time he saw me and the friend speaking outside and completely ignored our presence and said hi just to the other person we were with. Then yesterday this boy sent me a snapchat of him and some girl, it was clear they just had sex and I was confused as to why he sent it to me. He knows how I feel about him so I would have thought he would have had enough respect for me not to show me that. I asked him why he sent it and he said it said it was an accident but gave no apology. Myself and others I’ve told about it know it wasn’t an accident but I don’t understand why he sent me that, and frankly I don’t understand him because he’s always so contradictory and confusing. 29. December 2015

This guy sounds like a major asshole and to be quite honest you will meet a few of them throughout university. He’s a walking insecure contradiction and is screwing with your head. I doubt him sending that snapchat was an accident. He clearly wanted to get back at you as mentioned. I’d suggest you stop speaking this guy asap. It’s clear he doesn’t respect you.. who uses the snapchat app after sex? Urgh! Someone with something to prove that’s who. Be done with him.

Why do so many black boys refuse to go down on girls? Can you make this QOTD 29. December 2015

So the whole of black Twitter can jump in my mentions howling? Lol on a serious note I don’t think it’s a colour issue as there are plenty black men who enjoy soaking up a vagina with their tongue.

Hello Oloni Am 21 and my bestie is 27 We met on Twitter 3years ago n got talking… When we first started talking ,I personally friend zoned him Then we got to meet and we had sex and we kept having Sex and if hook him up with my friends and we would keep having Sex but whenever he is into someone , I get real tight like mad… The last issue we had he was asking me what exactly was my problem that it seems that I don’t want anything good for me that every girl he dates I don’t like them… That what do I want him to do? And I said nothing… That it’s ok… Now me I dunno oh I dunno whether it’s love but something is wrong with me, please what is it??? 29. December 2015

You’re jealous and this relationship you have with your bestie doesn’t seem practical

Hi oloni I started seeing this guy during the summer for 3/4 months and it was going well, until I asked what his attention were of what’s going on. I just didn’t want to waste my time. His answer was he is not looking for one because he has a lot going on with uni work exams and all that so I backed off. The convo continued but was not the same. I missed it so much that I tried to keep the convo flowing but it didn’t work so I left it. Two weeks ago I went to a club and he was their, he approached me and asked how everything is going and that he is  getting time off that we should meet. We are going to but I don’t know if I should take him up on his offer or should I leave it alone because he doesn’t want a relationship.  The amount of people who said yh I did the right thing to ask and some said you scared him. I need your advice please.? I still like him 29. December 2015

You didn’t scare him off, you just found out what he didn’t want, which was to take things up a level.  3-4 months is enough time.

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