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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

READ: Why Your Sex Life Needs The Slip Guard 5. January 2016


Now, you guys know me, I’m always interested in learning about the latest sex toys or anything to do with sexuality. One thing I always try to promote is safe sex! What could possibly be better? Nothing! Which is why I want to introduce you to this amazing product used between the sheets during the most intimate moment, The Slip Guard. read more HERE

Hi Oloni, so today I stumbled across my dad’s phone and decided to have a quick peak at his messages, which I know I shouldn’t have been doing but well.. So I was looking through his messages and came across a lady who was sending my dad very unusual messages so I scrolled all the way to the top to see all of the messages that they had been sending each other. I realised that they had been talking for several months if not years and she was sending him messages like ‘I love you, I just want to be with you, don’t forget the condoms etc’ and he was sending her messages too saying things like ‘hey babe, I miss you’ etc. Recently my family and I went on holiday and in the messages she kept pestering my dad about when he was coming (so she clearly lived where we went on holiday) and whether he would book a hotel so that they could meet and he responded and gave her a time and day that they would meet which I’m guessing they did due to the direction in which the conversation went a day after. I remember a day on holiday that I saw a message on my dads phone saying ‘I love you’ with the woman’s name. Fortunately my mum, my dad and I all saw this message but he quickly deleted it. I had a long conversation with my mum that night and she basically just told me that she would never get divorced to my dad whatever happened and because we did not actually have any proof, we couldn’t do anything about it. But now I have seen the messages completely which is proof but I don’t know what to do with the information from the messages. I don’t know whether to tell my mum even though I know my dad makes her happy and I don’t want to take that happiness away from her. I also have younger siblings and I don’t want them to be affected by this issue. I don’t know whether to speak to my dad. I don’t know whether to talk to a close friend or to take matters into my own hands and get the number of the actual lady and send her a Message in case of if she doesn’t know that he is married with children. Please tell me what to do Oloni. Thank you 5. January 2016

Hey love, I understand this must be a difficult situation for you right now. A position I’m sure no parent wants their kid to be in. I have a feeling your mother might already know what’s up, however this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tell her. You know what you’ve seen and you know it isn’t right, so break the news gently. Once you’ve done that allow your ma, to make up her own decision as to what she wants to do and do your best to be there for her.

This is more of a sexual health question. Sometimes my vagina absolutely reeks. I shower twice daily, three times if I’ve been to the gym. Let me tell you my hygiene is on point but sometimes I can really smell myself. I wash the area with water only. Should I be using female hygiene products down there? 3. January 2016

You could have BV bacterial vaginosis see a nurse at a clinic who’ll be able to help you.

READ: 5 Ways To Tell You’ve Got Girlfriendism 3. January 2016

Hey Oloni, Firstly congrats on all your success! My situation is that I was in a situationship (finally come to grips with the label). I’m genuinely upset I found myself in one and to make matters worse I lost my v to the person. My main question is that I know when dealing with heart break (which is what it feels like) you state you should keep busy. I’ve seen/talked to other people, I’ve tried but I I still find myself going back or getting more upset when I’m not around him. What should I do? 3. January 2016

Book a phone call session with me!! https://simplyoloni.com/relationship-coaching-packages/

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