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Hi Oloni. I hope you are well. I have been seeing a guy for 3 months now, although I have known him for 5 years. We have been through many things together in these past 3 months that we’ve been seeing each others as we both had a lot of issues going on in our own lives, and we have helped each other through it. He is good to me, he treats me right and I don’t doubt one bit how he feels about me. The only problem is that I am ready for a relationship now as I have been single for almost two years, and he is not as he currently has too much going on in his life (which I KNOW is true) to give me the commitment I am looking for. I am in love with him, and I cannot and do not want to settle for anyone else. What should I do? 19. January 2016

Hey lovely,

It’s about what you’re willing to tolerate. I’d personally say work on yourself and call it quits with him because you are not currently on the same page and no matter how long you have known him, if you’re not on the same page, it’s usually a disaster waiting to happen. So if you value your friendship and you care about what he’s going through right now I’d say fall back. If you feel you’re not ready to date again that’s perfectly fine but do not pursue/force anything with him because you’ll only have yourself to blame when it doesn’t work and wouldn’t you want someone who wants you just how you want them? View it as right now he doesn’t want you how you want him and stop holding onto possibilities until that changes, if it ever  does, but your life shouldn’t be on pause until then, work on yourself and when you’re ready to date again and if he is ever ready he will come to you.

Ebi. A.

So oloni, I have a friend that’s been with this guy for almost a year now although they started courting/talking long before dating. They both live in different cities but in the same country. For example : Liverpool and Birmingham; yeah that kind of distance. However, he’s only come to see her once and that was a week before Valentine’s and he didn’t stay for valentines with his excuse being he’s going for a concert that he refused to go with her, claiming he was going with his friends. Ever since then he hasn’t come but she has gone once but he dismissed her the next day after she lost her virginity the previous night( btw he made her ride his dick the first day she lost her virginity). Also, bear in mind that this friend of mine is very conceited and feels like she’s the prettiest in the land so it’s weird that she doesn’t take nonsense from people except to the male gender. So, he’s been giving excuses about coming since then, (really stupid ones for that matter) and their communication sucks balls.. He also gave the excuse that he smokes a lot!(are you the first?) and that he’s doesn’t like travelling. He also doesn’t show any form of affection when needed. Also, on her birthday he didn’t show up and she’s always defending and making excuses for him. She claims to love him so much yet when he does something bad or treats her with disrespect, she doesn’t flip. All her friends have spoken to her about it and outsiders have the same view as well. We think he’s cheating on her cause he’s too lowkey and others have insinuated the same but still she has refused to take any action. Similar things have happened with last relationships and we don’t want it to keep reoccurring. Is this normal that someone can love someone that much as they claim and chop all this nonsense? Personally, I feel females are usually sensitive when they’re in love so I’m wondering if this is normal?? What can we do to open her eyes because we’ve literally tried everything!!! 19. January 2016


This situation is very messy for many reasons. One I personally do think you and her other friends are far too involved in her love life than you need to be and I’m saying this not just for her but for you guys. I think as far as her actions are concerned, she doesn’t seem to care that much for any advice, she even sounds like she’s the type to divulge all this information (presuming that’s how you got this info in the first place) and ask for advice and not take it. I’m personally  a strong believer in the idea that “if you don’t hear you must feel”. It may sound harsh but sometimes in life we have to learn lessons by ourselves and good friends will be there at the end to pick you up. When you involve yourself too much in someones messy situation no matter how close they might be, you get burnt out and you’ll probably find that you don’t have that much energy to deal with the situation when it all comes crashing down. So what I’d do personally is say exactly what I feel about the situation in the most explicit way possible (no sugarcoating whilst still maintaining an overall level of sensitivity) and say that you’d respect it if she chooses not to listen to your advice in future, to at least have the courtesy to not come seeking your advice as regularly as she does or lessen the amount of times she brings the situation up to you, so that it doesn’t affect your friendship. As for her she’ll learn, the unfortunate thing is it might take her to get burnt to finally learn. Just remember you’re not her mother. Lastly despite what she puts out there, or how pretty you may think she thinks she is, she’s clearly insecure going by what she’s tolerating, so take her apparent ego with a pinch of salt and try and build her up, give her the healthy type of confidence, help her work on the hurt/insecurities on the inside, but don’t lose yourself trying to help her find herself and only do what you can. Ps. The guy is clearly unserious from what you have said but we’ve all been there, she needs to learn that lesson for herself.


Ebi. A

Is it okay as a girl to chase a guy? I guess the real question is: Is it okay to play the “man role” and make the leading effort even if he’s not showing interest? And if yes, for how long? 19. January 2016

Hey lovely,

Yes that’s perfectly fine but see here’s the thing, if a guy is really interested in you he’ll put in the effort or at least meet you half way if you get what I mean. So if you find yourself doing that consistently in a situation then it’s probably not really going anywhere (in some cases he might just be extremely comfy with the fact that he hasn’t had to do anything). So I would say go for it when it comes to initiating things/taking that first step and maybe sometimes in the early stages but if it becomes a consistent thing, abort mission and find someone who is at the very least willing to meet you half way. In this life forcing things is something you really shouldn’t have to do because it never ends well.

Ebi A

I met a guy on NYE, that’s only a couple weeks now. We’ve been seeing each other, going out on dates and so far we seem to gel well. We’ve gotten comfortable really quickly, quite abruptly. He’s really open with me which helps and makes me feel comfortable enough to be the same with him, which I don’t normally do. He treats me well and has made it very clear what his intentions are with me. My problem is what if we’ve gotten too comfortable, too quickly. I don’t want this to end prematurely because of it. Is there a way I could maybe slow the pace down so we can gradually get to know each other and not get bored of each other? 19. January 2016


All you need to do is emphasise how important a solid foundation is to you. I’m not a believer in hints when it comes to stuff like this. For anyone who is very aware that can come across patronising and rude. Just directly say to him that you love how things are going but you’re worried that it’s just going to fizzle out (you could even say this is based on past experience if it is) so you’d rather build on the things you think are important, give examples…then take initiative so you can put into practice what you mean, e.g go on dates that will force you to focus/work on those things. It’s something that can’t be forced but you do need to make him aware or it will frustrate you.

Ebi. A

Hi Oloni, I met this guy and he asked me for my number. We were talking for a bit and everything seemed great, we really got on. Then he stopped replying to my messages? Why? Should I message him again or just leave it? I keep telling myself maybe he’s just busy or maybe he lost interest? 19. January 2016


There are endless possibilities. One thing is for sure though, he’s rude (in a dating sense). Ignoring one message or two to continue on the next day or at a later date can happen especially with a busy schedule but one thing’s for sure, if he’s consistently ignoring your messages and his phone is clearly still functioning or he’s doing the most on social media then he’s simply just not that into you anymore. (You don’t have to communicate everyday but outright ignoring messages isn’t a good sign imo). So the control you have over this is to keep it pushing and if he comes with a valid excuse/reason you can entertain that as and when.

Ebi. A

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