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Hey, what you mentioned sounds very confusing but I’d advise you not to focus on it too much. He just might need more time to feel more comfortable especially since what described sounds like he’s extremely shy. Oloni Hey, Just wanted to say you’re amazing, I promise i’m not moist but this made me melt!!! What is happening here could be one of two things, she cannot comprehend how a guy could possibly love her that much, considering how starting a family can be very important to both women and men or she feels as though you don’t fully comprehend the task ahead and you’re only able to say what you’re saying because you don’t fully understand what that will mean in the long run and how it may feel, so her reaction may be her trying to protect herself from future disappointment, she doesn’t want to believe you because if she does and you disappoint her it will hurt even more, it may sound weird but that’s a possibility. Now considering all of this, the only thing you can really do is show her, maybe don’t bring up the issue as often and every time it is brought up reassure her that all will be well. I really do feel as though she may possibly relax when or if you decide to marry her/propose to her, I’m by no means saying rush anything, but I do feel like that will bring her a sense of relief, even though your words and the years you’ve been with her should be enough, sometimes with sensitive issues like this people find it very hard to undo the negative thoughts they’ve entertained for years, honestly, she probably didn’t think she’d get this far with a guy accepting her for who she is and accepting her condition. So all you can really do is stay consistent, do what you say you will do and reassure her anyway you can. That’s all really. Best of luck, sending blessings and strength to the both of you. -Ebi Hey, Just make your feelings known then give him his space. You’re gonna have to firm this one, this is the consequence for the choices you made, to feel as if you’re entitled to his sympathy, time, forgiveness in this moment is selfish. Take this as a lesson, it will make you a better girlfriend in future, if not to him, to someone else. -Ebi Hey, You don’t rush, you ask her who she wants, depending on what she says, if you’re ready to settle then get into a relationship, but understand that it’s not a competition, don’t let pride make you rush into something you’re not ready for. -Ebi Hey, Wow, I genuinely feel like this is an extremely toxic view to have and whatever has led you to feel this way needs to be addressed. These things happen, it is not a reflection of your worth. You are still who you were before that occurrence and you need to stop being so hard on yourself. Looking forward, if this is how you feel in such situations then you may need to protect that part of you…so I’d say don’t be intimate with any guy until you have addressed these issues. (This is an assumption, but if you feel this way for any religious or cultural reasons please understand that you are not meant to feel condemned, you may feel you have done wrong and according to your belief that may be so, but you are human and you cannot get past this with such a toxic attitude, so moving forward if it is a religious thing, try your best to adhere to whatever it is you believe in but when you fall short don’t be overwhelmed with shame or condemnation, just look forward and try and do better, you’re human, you’re not meant to be perfect). If this isn’t a religious or cultural situation apologies. Hope this helped. -Ebi
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