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Hi oloni need your advice. I’ve been talking to this guy since the start of university and we talk almost everyday. He took my virginity and we’ve had sex about three times now. whenever we see each other alone we always have sex and i dont really see him as much but we talk often. our conversations happen mainly over text and sometimes he calls. We’ve formed a decent friendship, however ive caught feelings and i know he doesnt feel the same way because he hasnt said anything to do with his feelings which i feel he shouldve said by now. he even said we should stop having sex because he doesnt want to “fuck me over” so i definitely know there are no feelings there. i want to get over him but i know the only way to do that is to stop talking to him but i dont want to do that because i like our conversations and the friendship we’ve built and if i stop talking to him this will ruin what we have already. please tell me what to do 25. March 2016


To me it’s quite simple, it’s all about what you value more. Why would you prioritise his friendship over you getting over him? And what exactly are you trying to save? You keep mentioning the fact that he has no feelings, but the important thing here is that you have feelings…so you owe it to yourself to do whatever you can to undo those feelings before you land yourself into a situationship and the only way you can do that is distance and that ranges from blocking him on everything to maybe just not talking to him as much. If you clearly like him and he clearly likes you (but not enough to commit) who is to say he won’t continue with things as per usual? You are only as safe as his ability to stick to what he has said…if you don’t put up your own boundaries and what’s worse is if he chooses not to, he will take the fact that he has already explicitly and indirectly told you he is not ready for commitment…so if you do end up getting hurt, to a large extent that will be on you and he will treat you as if it were. What you have now you can get elsewhere, that’s the harsh truth. You are replaceable and so is he. Furthermore given your feelings if he truly cares he will understand your need for distance at least for now. If he doesn’t then the friendship really isn’t as deep as you think it is or he is clearly prioritising his feelings or his desires at your expense. So if you’re unhappy and not on the same page, there’s nothing “to save” in that sense, if you prioritise your feelings. Also don’t think by staying you can change his mind. Take it for what it is and move on.



Dear Oloni, hope everything is well. I broke up with my gf back in January, a month later I found out she cheated on me while we were still together. I’m still torn on whether to bring it up to her and question her or just let it go? 25. March 2016


That’s up to you and what you’re willing to accept. Your options are to leave or stay and work on moving forward. But some things to consider, make sure you’re not going back for the wrong reasons. Do not walk back into a toxic situation because you feel you cannot do without the her. You do not owe her a second chance. You also need to ensure that this isn’t coming from a place of insecurity.



Dear all, as i write this my eyes are filled with tears, I’m so sad,heart broken and confused… I met this guy he was really nice and we started talking and then we started liking each other, now we’re in a relationship but it will be a month next week… So 2weeks into the relationship i told him about my immigration problems because i didn’t want to hide anything from him, i told him that the only way for me to stay here was if we got married, i really like this guy and he likes me too.. At first he said okay then a few days later he changed his mind and said he couldn’t do it again because it doesn’t feel right in his heart and that we haven’t even known each other that well (we’ve been in the relationship for only a month) and he wants to get to know me more before he can decide if this is something he can commit to. He also feels that this marriage thing is like a condition for our love and that if he doesn’t marry me we cant be together and he just doesn’t like the idea of there being a condition for our love… I understand all his worries but i don’t have a lot of time on my side and i really don’t know what to say anymore..I know he is worried but I’m not that type of woman and i genuinely like him and i want to spend the rest of my life with him even though i know its too soon to determine that… I just feel that if he cant do this for me then he doesn’t really love me because then i will go home and we wont be together again and i really want to be with him but i don’t know how to make him understand that…. Personally i think he is overthinking this thing too too much and coming up with worst case scenarios, he even said that what if i leave him after? And honestly that is not even my intention…This is all i need him to do to prove his love for me cause he is my only hope, i really don’t know what to say to him again… Please can you advice me… or should i just let it go and just go home??? Am i being too selfish?? Isn’t love about Sacrifice and taking risks?? Honestly i genuinely like him and it really breaks my heart that he cant do this for me… 25. March 2016


The fact that you think him doing this for you after a less than two month relationship is a depiction of how much he cares is worrying. I’m sorry but to expect such from someone so soon makes you the irrational one. Although, understandably you’re in a tough space and emotionally overwhelmed, do not project that onto him. People don’t usually rush into marriage, guys especially tend to take their sweet time until they’re sure. I’m sorry that you’re in this situation and I honestly wish you the best. I know this wasn’t particularly helpful but I hope this puts your emotions into perspective and his reaction into perspective.



Religious people having sex is ridiculous 25. March 2016

Pray about it then.



Hi so I was seeing this guy for a couple of months and we fell for each other pretty fast. I wanted to take it further but he didn’t which was understandable. I went on holiday and had sex with someone but it wasn’t intentional at aaallll and I felt so bad for doing it and when I came back told him what had happened. He was obvz upset and we stopped talking, then re connected a couple months after. We resumed as normal and It was all going well but then found out he was not over it till last month and needed closure but he claims that I gave him the closure he needed too late and he cant see me the same anymore because of the pain he has held for 7 months. We have had many conversations about it and he says he understands the situation more. He has forgiven me but he feels that I am not the same person to him anymore.Is it my fault that I did not give him the closure he needed even though he gave off the impression that everything was fine(?) we have broken up now and I want him back. I have been cheated on before but I still don’t know what I should do..what can I do to gain his trust back and make things right? Waaaah 🙁 23. March 2016


Firstly, just to make things clear I’m assuming you were not in a relationship. You both wanted different things, you wanted a relationship, he didn’t. You also didn’t have any arrangement set up that you both wouldn’t sleep with anyone else. So I’m struggling to understand why exactly he or you for that matter feel you did anything wrong? If you both haven’t made it clear that you want to be exclusive. I don’t believe he has a right to see you any differently, it’s very irrational, but the fact is he does. So now what you must not do is  internalise that because quite frankly you did not cheat. You also need not question what you need to do to get him to see you how he used to, if anything that screams insecurity. It’s not about proving your commitment because you have been doing that before to the point that you requested that you be something more but he declined. So unless your intention is to be in a situationship till thy kingdom come I suggest you keep it moving, focus on yourself and your happiness and if he is ready/will ever be ready he can address you accordingly. At the very best you can apologise for the way in which you may have made him feel but the fact that he wasn’t transparent about those feelings or his wishes for you both to be exclusive he needs to take a certain degree of responsibility for how he feels right now. When you don’t set out clear boundaries, someone is bound to cross the line you have made in your head.



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