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Over 2000, now what were you saying again? Ebi Hey, What you do is do what’s best for you. You didn’t sign up for a bummy guy so you definitely don’t need to tolerate one. Make it explicitly clear to him that his actions are putting a strain on your relationship from your end and that you don’t think you can tolerate it anymore. Offer up that compromise again, which is to suggest that he finds a job in the meantime or at least shows some evidence of being proactive, even if it means gaining experience by doing voluntary roles, so that you know he’s not just being idle. Tell him if he doesn’t start showing you signs of progress you’re going to have to leave and make it clear that it is making you more and more disinterested in him and the relationship. Consider the fact that he might be depressed down to his inability to find a job which is why he may be shutting you down and it’s not always fair to assume he isn’t trying hard enough just because he hasn’t secured a job yet so be fair, but if all evidence points towards him not working hard enough then your point and this advice still stands. So encourage him but do not sugarcoat the reality of what needs to be done. Also don’t let him guilt trip you with this whole “if you really loved me” thing, sometimes love is telling someone what’s best for them, it doesn’t always feel good, but as long as that person is coming from the right place and has your best interest at heart that line shouldn’t apply to you. Hope this helped. Ebi Hey, Let it go. Do everything in your power to let it go. He is getting everything he wants from you and in action is showing you that he doesn’t care enough about you to keep things real. It’s not easy but you need to distance yourself until you’re over it. Unless you just want to hang around and get hurt or stay in this situationship till thy kingdom come and miss out on so many other people who can treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Stop cockblocking yourself and understand that any real friend who genuinely cares for you will tell you “look i’m not in a space to be serious and I don’t want to hurt you so let’s end this and just remain friends”, he hasn’t said or implied this but has instead chosen to lie (assuming you can draw that conclusion from what you’ve seen) that imo makes your friendship questionable and I don’t feel like you owe him that loyalty. You don’t stop treating your friends with respect just because you decide to take things further. So yeh, leave this behind, you still have loads of months to make this year your year, don’t waste them on anyone who insists on wasting your time. -Ebi Hey, It’s simple, he’s an idiot. He’s simply a time waster who had no real intentions of taking you seriously, or taking the situation further, you’re probably thinking “but we hugged” or “we had a connection”, yeh dead those thoughts, some guys are very good actors who do the most to get whatever they want from you knowing full well they have no intentions of progressing further than a certain point. Now one things for sure, he’s a liar, do you think you deserve a liar? Do you think you deserve a guy who can’t simply tell you how it is? That’s childish behaviour imo a grown man who acts like that is lost in the sauce. So forget him, keep his number deleted and move on because he’s definitely not interested in you in the same way and has no regards for your feelings. Tips on moving on? Tell your friends how you feel and tell them you need a distraction, do not internalise anything that has happened to you, it’s not you, shopping, gym, work on your passions, work on your faith or beliefs and just slay in general. All the best. Ebi Ebi Hey, Your ex is unserious, most times had it been the other way round there would be an expectation that you accept it for what it is and move forward. You didn’t disrespect him or your relationship but he’s obviously in his feelings. Don’t bother trying to prove yourself or change his mind. That’s not for you to do. Move forward and find someone who is willing to accept you for who you are. Ebi
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