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Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hi oloni, I’ve been with my boyfriend over 5 years now but I just can’t trust him. He wont let me near his phone, he has betrayed my trust in the past which has lead to my trust issues. I get paranoid all the time that he’s speaking to other girls. I recently found a text on his phone flirting with another girl. This reoccurring betrayal of trust is starting to have an effect on my confidence also. I keep hoping he’ll change, he says he will. He is my best friend. How should I go about this situation I feel so lost. 4. April 2016

Hey hun, I’d suggest you have a conversation with him, explaining how you feel. Then I’d advise you to think about the relationship deeply. If you can’t trust him, why are you torturing yourself? You can’t help how you feel, I understand, but you can help the situation you’re in by walking away. There really is no other answer.


Call Oloni TONIGHT @ 10PM for FREE relationship advice privately 27. March 2016

Do you have a dilemma you’ve been dying to talk to me about? For the first time in 2016 I’m allowing readers to call me privately from 10PM-11PM GMT TONIGHT! If you have a relationship or sex issue and would like some impartial advice get the number to call by subscribing here: http://eepurl.com/bVAyIT

Hey Oloni and Ebi 🙂 I’ve been with my boyfriend since I was 16 (I’m 23 now). I have been working since I graduated two years ago but I’ve been offered a job in the Midlands, it’s high paying and basically perfect for me. Plus, I have a lot of family in the Midlands so it’s an offer I’m strongly considering because it will be good career move. However… The problem is my boyfriend, he dropped out of uni right before he was supposed to finish and is now “making p’s” – if you know what I mean. I love him to bits and we have so much history but the mention of me moving and he dismisses it like it’s not an option. He likes to make decisions for me A LOT! Like how I dress sometimes (even though I’m always decent), who I speak to and where I go. This is one thing I think I can’t “compromise” for because I feel I need to be selfish. He’s not my husband and tbh he could be cheating me of decide one day he doesn’t want to be with me. I just want your view on this, whether I should leave or stay because I’m not too sure. Thanks 26. March 2016

The choice of whether to leave or stay is entirely up to you. However my opinion on the matter is that you should be selfish. You’ve been granted a great opportunity, something you worked for, something you earned and in no way shape or form should this be compromised. You mentioned it yourself he isn’t your husband, however it is IMPORTANT you discuss it with him, discuss out of respect and to let him know this is something you’re thinking about doing.. not discuss to the point that he decides whether you move left or right, if you get my drift. As for the other things you’ve mentioned about your boyfriend, he sounds a bit controlling and possessive, don’t you think? Remember he doesn’t own you, so never let him tell you how to dress or where to go, that’s really not on. The truth is if you believe he’s holding you back due to not being on the same page in terms of progress, be realistic with yourself.



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Hi, I met this boy (he’s bait) at a big uni rave he was so nice to me and looked after me throughout the night when I lost all my girls. We had a few long distant mutual friends. We go to completely different unis. We’d been talking for about a month, he made himself seem as such a sweet boy that cared and took genuine interest in me. He invited me to visit him at his uni, didn’t think much of it and saw it as an opportunity to get to know him more. I was naive to think he wanted to be my friend and get to know me more. When he came to meet me he started to reveal a side to him that I had never seen before, he came across as very disrespectful towards me. I brushed it off as just banter but it got worse his rude attitude didn’t match with the ‘sweet boy’ dream he had sold me. Before I went to visit him, I was a Virgin and hadn’t planned to loose it on that night. Turns out he only invited me over for sex, which he was nice to me during but after returned back to his disrespectful self. After I left his city we haven’t spoken again since. But I’ve found out I’m pregnant what should I do ???? 25. March 2016

Hey lovely,

I’m so sorry to hear this. My heart dropped at the end. As painful as this may be to read some guys just don’t have any natural game, we call them losers, those are the guys who sell dreams or do the most in order to get what they want from a girl because they have no hopes of getting anywhere with a girl by being honest. He had no intention of taking you seriously let alone seeing you again. Now you’re pregnant. Unfortunately I can’t tell you what to do with that pregnancy, it’s simply not my place. But what I will suggest is that you go to a clinic and discuss your options, I would advise you also go to a trusted family member or friend with your situation, you need all the support you can get. If you plan to inform him, inform him when you know what you are going to do. Don’t do anything you do not feel comfortable doing just to please or keep him, think very carefully about each potential decision and understand that either way you look at it it won’t be easy but with a great support system (including counselling) you will get through it in time. Don’t do anything that you’re likely to regret. Hope this helps. Sending love your way.


What’s your thoughts on having a break I’ve been with my gf for nearly 4 years but she getting too much now 25. March 2016


My view on breaks has changed over the years. I don’t see the problem, sometimes you need space and need to be able to work things out without having someone in your space and sometimes you both need space to grow, especially if you discover that for one reason or another, you’re both standing in the way of each other. Do it out of love though, no bitterness and be very clear about the boundaries (if any) to avoid adding more problems to your current situation.


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