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Hey Oloni. I just started to see this guy a couple months ago. He seems like a cool guy and he’s really attractive. We went on a first date which was great however I just found that out that he has a girlfriend. He told me he was single this whole time and when I confronted him he said that the relationship was on the rocks and he was going to leave soon. I really like him and I don’t know whether to trust he will end it and go with my heart or just end it.
14. December 2016
The fact he took you out on a date makes him look incredibly slimy. It seems as if he was trying to play it safe and figure out if there’s better out there. Is that the type of person, you really want pursuing you?
Do better hun.
Hi oloni, hope you are well. I am seeing my ex boyfriend in two days to pass some of his belongings over. We haven’t spoken for a couple months but I really want him back. How should I play it? If the talking turns into kissing should I sleep with him or hold out? Thank you xx
14. December 2016
Ask if you can have a conversation with him and say what’s on your mind. Don’t have sex, it’ll complicate things.
Hi Oloni, so I really liked a guy I was blood-related to. And I never he knew he liked me too till he told me this summer and said he’s had feelings for me much longer but didn’t know how to tell because we were related. So basically one thing led to another and we had sex several time. Mind you I was a virgin so I lost it to him. But he had a girlfriend and I told him I didn’t want to be a side thing so he broke up with his girl, and the girl doesn’t know I’m the reason why they broke up. I feel horrible.
11. December 2016
Heya, this whole situation is quite twisted because you’re having a sexual relationship with someone you’re related to. I think it’d be wise if you seriously evaluated this whole situation and ask yourself if anything positive will come from it. It could seriously create a lot of problem in the future and make your relationship even more awkward. Innocent people such as his ex-girlfriend are already getting hurt and with no knowledge of what it truly happening and why. Please think about your actions and do the right thing by ending this.
Hi Oloni, I’ve been with my boyfriend for 5 years now. I love him and we’re at uni together at the moment. We pretty much live together and though I like it, sometimes it’s a bit much. He does have his own place but we find that we spend most (all) our time and nights at my place. It’s started to make me fall behind on work, my social life with my other friends, and our relationship a bit boring. How can I tell him to move on out and give me some space, and re-spice our relationship?
11. December 2016
Hey hun, what you’re asking for doesn’t seem ridiculous but I can understand why you might be hesitant. I think you need to have a conversation with him and let him know exactly what’s crossing your mind. Try it over dinner and see how he feels about it. It could be something that he’s thought about, but shoved to the back of his head.
Hi Oloni. I recently came to some information about a friends siblings husband cheating. There is proof, it is not made up. I (we all) know the person it has happened with. Am I in the right for trying to stay out of it and not saying anything? Baring in mind I see them often. If I was to mention it to the wife how would I also go about it without having to name drop and also kind of keep myself out of it? If I was in her position I’d want to know but I’m also weary on getting myself involved. Their family has been through a lot already. (They have been married for nearly two years now but he’s had a record in cheating well before they got married)
11. December 2016
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