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I was in a situationship with this guy and it ended badly he removed me off all social media etc and now we’re done. However I’ve recently found out I’m pregnant and it’s definitely his. I don’t think I’m going to Keep it though because I’m 19 and at uni. I really don’t know how to tell him or if I even should at all. Would it be bad if I decided to get rid of it without telling him?
5. December 2017
If possible call him on withheld and let him know if you really want to get through to him, but only if you’re comfortable doing so. Please make sure you also get the right support from professionals too.
I’ve been texting with a guy for about 9 weeks. He makes a lot of effort to talk to me over phone/text usually but he’s always too ‘busy’ to meet. The other day he said he ‘doesn’t mind’ meeting during the week but does this sound like he actually wants to, or he’s just agreeing to make me feel better?
5. December 2017
9 weeks of texting? Are you his penpal? If he wanted to see you, he’d suggest it and it would have been soon.
So I found out my boyfriend had dating app accounts when we first started dating, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and just told him to delete them since he had been single for a while. Like 7 months later, my single friend was browsing on plenty of fish and sends me a screenshot of my mans profile 🙂 how do I bring it up?
5. December 2017
Say “My friends saw you on plenty of fish”?
Hi Oloni, I’m 20 and at university, I’ve never really had much experience with guys I’ve kissed some on nights out and had two kind of weird sexual experiences but I’d really like to have a boyfriend now. I just want to experience having that companionship with someone. I feel like men aren’t interested in me but I put on makeup, I get dressed up I try to be approachable and talk to lots of people but I feel like no one ever makes a move. I’ve been trying quite hard so obviously this is starting to knock my confidence a bit. I just want to have some romantic experience especially as all my girls have guys now and I feel like I’m missing out.
5. December 2017
Hey thanks for writing in. It’s great that you’re making this effort, but what else are you doing? Have you tried going to different places or do you end up in the same bar every Friday night around the same people? Have you had a look at any dating apps etc?
Keep trying and have some patience.
Oloni, what do I do. I’ve fucked everything up and our 3 year relationship is over, he’s decided. At christmas he wants to see me to say goodbye one lasat time and then it’s done. I’ve been with him since high school and almost all of my time at uni and I don’t know what to do, this guy is my best friend, my soulmate and we still love each other, however he’s decided that its 100% over and that I can’t do anything about it. I can’t move on from this. I can’t think properly or go about my days with this situation.
5. December 2017
Hey, you haven’t given me much information here. Was there a reason behind this?
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