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Hey Oloni, my bf makes me buy the condoms because I’m the one who said we should use them. I actually handle everything to do with our sex life being safe/ preventing pregnancy and I feel like he does nothing. He says if it’s what I want then I should handle it. We also had an argument over going to the clinic for a fever all check as he thinks I’m now accusing him of something. Sigh, I just don’t know how to engage him more in these things, any tips?
3. January 2018
Your boyfriend has a very uncaring attitude which I find disturbing and I’m not even dating him. Contraception should be both your responsibilities, not just yours alone. Someone who behaves like this is not someone you give your vagina to.
Also going to the clinic shouldn’t be a taboo, what’s his problem? Why are you with him?
Hi Oloni. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 5 months. I’m the first girl he’s properly dated he’s never been in a relationship before, just situationships. Anyways on New Years I really wanted to spend the night with him but he told me he’s going home to spend it with his boys. But I found out that he’s messaged this girl asking her what her plans was on that day. The next day he asked to hang out with her but she’s like she’s alone at hers and she knows that he’s in a relationship so it’s better to hang out with a group of people. I know all this because I went through his phone, I felt something was off when he came back. Is there anything I should be worried about? I don’t get why he’s asking another girl to hang out with him alone, or asking what she’s doing on New Years knowing I wanted to spend the night with him.
3. January 2018
I’ll be real with you, he probably slept with this girl and cheated, you know it and I know it. His intentions are very obvious and I think that due to your love goggles, you’re unable to see it, for what it clearly is, but that’s fine… that’s what I’m here for.
Tell him what you saw and confron him asap. Regardless of what he says, I thik you should dump him, the fact he was with another girl in such a setting and on that type of day, just shows he’s not prepared to be exclusive to you. He’s an asshole.
Hey oloni girl. I’m in a relationship with a man, have been for the last year although he has been in prison for around 9 month now. We speak on the phone a lot but I haven’t seen him since yet his child’s mother is there every week, sometimes more then once a week and even sometimes without their child! Normally I wouldn’t be so suspicious but after reading the dilemma you posted about the guy leaving for his baby mother I’m now a bit concerned. I done a little stalking and found his bm has a NEW tattoo of his name. When I asked him about that he told me they’re ‘bonded’ for life and I should chill which wasn’t the response I was looking for lol I’m starting to think I should forget the whole thing but I do genuinely love him?? I’m confused. And have been losing sleep.
3. January 2018
Okay, are you being forreal? You’re worried about a guy who has to pee in front of other people?? The complaining about his baby mothers new tattoo on the 3rd day of the new year? Out of the goodness
of my heart, I am going to let you restart this year, so you can not only rethink this “dilemma”, but for you to also come up with a new years resolution, because this aint even it, not even close to it.
How are you letting this guy jail talk you, when he’s clearly with another woman? There are millions of other men out there who aren’t locked up, pick one.
Oloni, i’ve been speaking to this guy, and we’ve met once. But whenever he asks to meet me, he always wants to be indoors, and he always wants to come to my house, which is out of question for me, so it never happens. I don’t know what way to take this, because the way I see it, he wants to be behind closed doors so he can engage in something sexually, and I don’t want this since everything is still fresh. What should I do?
3. January 2018
Last week you gave me some really sound advice about the guy I was seeing who rapped his own song lyrics in my ear. I forgot to mention that on that particular occasion we didn’t use protection and I was forced to pay £30 for the morning after pill. I was so panicked because I just thought i was pregnant. Anyway I came on my period and I let him in on the good news. He responded with ‘oh that’s kl’ followed by a link to his latest music video so I have officially deaded everything with him. Thank you for helping me see the light. Also this is a completely true story only stuff like this could ever happen to me lol
3. January 2018
Lol wow! He’s very interesting.
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