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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

My man owes me a lot of money and I don’t know what to do 17. June 2018

Ask him for it, set up a financial payment plan and try not lend money you can’t afford to lose.


Hi Oloni, I’ve been seeing my man for some time now and he’s told me he wants me to be his baby mama basically. I said we can discuss it when we’re more secure and have our own place but I’m certain that I never want to have kids. I know this will be a deal breaker for him. Do I tell him or should I just wait until it next comes up? I don’t want to lose him but I’m certain my mind won’t change. 17. June 2018

You have to let hin go my love. It’s selfish to do anything other than that.


Hey Oloni, so there’s this girl right, we’ve been friends but of late we’ve been doing dates, at first I thought it was lunch but now she wants a dinner date and actually calls it a “date”, the dilemma here is that she gives the right signals but because she’s my friend first I feel she could be using me for attention and for the little financial services I sort out like UberEATS, etc… so as a guy totally confused here, maybe you could share some light as to what the hell is going on here. 17. June 2018

I have a couple of questions! Is there ever any intimacy between the two of you, or is the friendship completely platonic?

If it’s the latter, she’s definitely getting a wee bit too comfortable lol.

Talk to her and ask what’s going on and if she’s actually interested in you. Male friends can pick up the bill, but not alll the time… even when dating actually


Hi Oloni, I gave birth to my son 18 months ago and haven’t had sex with my husband since. I’ve felt damaged since giving birth and sex scares me. My husband was really caring and supportive, he didn’t even ask to have sex with me until about 6/7 months after my birth cause he knew I felt uncomfortable. Couple months ago he began making a lot of advances and I always rejected him. The lack of sex has been causing a lot of arguments between us. Recently I needed to lose his laptop cause our baby threw up on mine and he’s been on forums asking advice about divorce because of the lack of sex. I’m absolutely terrified he’ll leave me, he’s a fantastic man and father but I just don’t feel ready but I don’t want to divorce over this. One of my friends said I should give him a pass but that sounds crazy to me. What do I do? 17. June 2018

Hey love! First off congratulations on your new bundle of joy. It’s very common for women who have just given birth to have a low libido. Your body has experienced something new. I’ve had women talk to me about being off of sex before, but the best advice I can give you is to talk to your husband immediately and tell him what you found.

It’s important you talk about it, because from what you’ve described it doesn’t seem as if you have. Suggest going to therapy together so you can get some professional help. I really do hope if works out.

good luck!


Hey Oloni, so I had my second date with this guy I genuinely really like. We both cooked and just chilled at his and eventually had sex. This was really out of character for me… he hasn’t texted me in a few days and I don’t want to get paranoid. We both agreed to take it slow and we can do what we want, I’ve expressed I’m into him. I’m telling myself he’s probably busy, but idk… I’m always texting first. What do I do? 11. June 2018

Heya hun, it sounds like he’s dipped. It’s frustrating but common thing. I think you should move on from this guy, especially if it’s you initiating all the conversations. Nothing screams “not that into you” than that.


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