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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hey Oloni, so I asked a guy out over summer, we went on 2 dates that went really well, he said really good things about me to his mates and we were texting but then he sent me a text saying I really enjoy hanging out w u but I’ve been mulling (lol mulling???) things over and I’d like to keep it just friends. I really like him and don’t understand where this came from? I know I was his first ever date (he’s 24) and everyone’s saying he just got cold feet. I saw him the other night in a group situation, it wasn’t awkward at all and he keeps liking literally everything I post on insta? do you think there’s anything I can do/say from here? I kinda wanna ask him what changed? can ppl just stop fancying someone just like that?! 24. September 2018

Heya love! He’s told you how he felt already. All you can do is accept what he’s said, if he wanted it to go further, he have continued pursing you.


Hey Oloni. I like this guy.. it’s very early days but I would like to see where it goes. We’ve had sex once but we barely communicate as I don’t want to be a bug-a-boo. We live a fair distance from each other too which I feel for him would be a problem. How would you suggest I get him to take me seriously to see how things progress? Or do you think I should just put the situation to bed? 19. September 2018

Why not ask him out on a date? See how he responds to that by asking to meet up for drinks or dinner. I think that’ll help you see where you stand with him. Good luck!


Hey Oloni, this is a bit of a sticky one still but I’m an18 year old guy who is going uni and there is this one girl (who has a boyfriend) that literally pm saying she wants to beat. I’ve talked to the guy before (we all went to the same school and college) but we aren’t friends or anything. Should i go ahead with this cos i really want to but idk about it hence here i am talking to you (btw she hasn’t mentioned she has a man but i know they are together) 19. September 2018

Lol ask her if she’s in a relationship. If she IS I feel like you know the right answer.


hey oloni, have you seen that meme where he says “lord, I have seen what you done for others…” I’m hoping that’ll happen for me. I like someone in my class, and recently we went to the movies with a group of friends. I just started talking to him, so our car ride I learned a lot about him and how similar we are. at the movies, a friend of his made him promise not to break her best friends heart…what do I do? I really like his vibe and how he is as a person, but I don’t know how to ask or to feel about that or how to text him, anything. I just don’t want him to slip through my hands! 19. September 2018

So wait, does he have a girlfriend?


Hey Oloni, I’m 22 I’ve been in a relationship for just over 3 years we have a newborn baby together. I love everything about my partner except for the fact that he plays League of Legends (LOL) it’s like world of Warcraft. One game is about 45 mins sometimes hell play for hours but he has a full time job, provides financially and helps me out with our child when he can. I hate guys who play games especially these types (he started to play when I got to know him). He’s know thinking of turning this whole game playing into a YouTube channel. I wanna be really supportive but at the same time it’s not something I would usually encourage. There are no other problems in our relationship he is honestly amazing in every other way, expect for the game playing! We get into very bad arguements about it too. What do you suggest I do. (We have communicated over this situations millions of times and it’s not something he wants to stop). He’s even slightly said if it’s that bad for me I should leave him. Any advice? :((( btw u r Qween x 19. September 2018

Hey my love if this is something he isn’t willing to change, you’re going to have to accept it or leave. It’s your call. You can’t force this grown guy to change, especially if he doesn’t want to. Perhaps talk to him on compromising on how much time he spends playing it? Everyone has their hobbies/interests they get into outside of work. It’s not uncommon to hear a guy being overly invested into a sort of game. However, if it’s affecting your relationship, there’s an issue.


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