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You’re very selective with what you answer. Tut tut.
31. May 2015
If you mean selective by only answering questions that haven’t been asked 35426363646465 times.
Then yes, I am incredibly.
Hi Oloni! , What do you think of this statement ‘Marry a man who loves you more than you love him’. After reading a lot of questions from women who seem to be dating guys who don’t respect them, I am starting to agree a little. Or could it be that some women are just making poor decisions and that the majority of men do respect women?
31. May 2015
I’m sure many women have been told this by their mothers, grandmas. It’s a saying I’ve always heard, and I agree with it to an extent. I understand why also. It’s something that’s used because women are more commonly known for getting emotionally attached in comparison to the opposite sex, so if we allow a man to fall harder for us, than what they typically do the chances of a woman getting hurt decreases.
I think my laidback persona is attracting the ‘ come to my house and chill’ kind of guys, instead of the ‘ lets have a day out in public’ type of guy. Do you think I should become more high maintenance to deter the former or should I just remain myself and wait (possibly for forever haha)?
31. May 2015
You don’t need to be ‘high maintenance’ dear. You need to try & start meeting guys at new places, you’re clearly going for the same type of guys which is why you’re getting the same results.
PLEASE ANSWER!! I was seeing a guy for a couple months and we ended things and recently I’ve had sexual interactions with his friend (no sex of any kind) but the problem is that he was seeing a girl I know and now I don’t know what to do. He doesn’t care about her but the problem I have is not to do with her feelings or the guy I was seeing before, because I know he won’t care at all but I don’t want to be seen as a “groupie”. Is it wrong to have sex with two friends? I know a lot of people will say it is but you can’t help it if you originally had sex with the wrong person and ended up connecting more with their friend
31. May 2015
‘Is it wrong to have sex with two friends?’ – It’s not the smartest choice, but as you mentioned you were unaware. A scenario that happens quite often for both men & women,
The only person who may/may not have the problem is the guy youre seeing, so if he’s not bothered, being seen as a ‘groupie’ should not be on your mind.
Hi Dami. I’m 24 and a virgin. I’ve recently been talking texting this boy for a few months and more recently we have been talking on the phone quite a bit. We’ve had phone sex a few times and now I’m worried that when we meet, he’s gonna expect sex. I can’t say I’m waiting for marriage but I would definitely want to be in a relationship with someone I love before I have sex with them. What should I tell him? And when? I think I might really like him and he me, but I don’t want this to ruin anything that could potentially happen. PS. you are doing such a great job with your site and really giving an avenue for young men and women to discuss their thoughts and issues on sex and relationships. I wish you all the best. And please don’t put this on the tl.
31. May 2015
Hey dear the problem with having phone sex with someone you have not met is that there’s a chance the relationship will me centred around it. However, I do think you should make this a conversation when you speak next. Be honest and open, you don’t have to state that you’re a virgin, but more along of the lines of ‘I’m not interested in having a sexual relationship alone…’
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