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Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hey Oloni Can you advise me on this. Few months b4 my birthday my girlfriend of 10months who I live with asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I jokingly said I didn’t mind a threesome. We both laughed at it and I honestly thought it ended there. She went behind my back and told my best friend(whom she always told me is cute) that I would love a threesome for my birthday and invited him to join!. They both planned it and on my birthday after we partied all night my best friend followed my girlfriend and I home. We started smoking and drinking again in the living room and before I knew my girlfriend was already giving me head in front of my friend. I wanted to stop her but It’s been a fantasy so I left her to continue. My friend joined later and we both banged my girlfriend in turns. After that day I felt so bad I couldn’t even look her in the face again . But I blame myself for putting the thought in her head. 2 months later, my girlfriend got upset that I haven’t touched her since my birthday (obliviously I’m not over the fact that my best friend fucked her). I tried to explain things to her but she didn’t care to listen 16. June 2015

There’s so much going on here. Why did you not ask him to leave once he followed you? Why was this not a discussion prior. It’s absolutely messy and has probably ruined the dynamics of this relationship. Try and talk about it & see where you can go from there.

Hey Oloni, I’m a bit embarrassed to admit this but I’m 22 and never had a boyfriend. I don’t even go on dates. It’s not that I’m shy I’m a social person but I haven’t met a guy who is interested in me. I’d like to at least go on a date this year. What should I do? 16. June 2015

There’s a lot different things you can do. I start relationship coaching in July if you want help to improve your dating experience e-mail me itsoloni@gmail.com

Hi oloni, I have this issue with my boy friend I think he makes time for his female friend more than he makes time for me which makes me feel really shit if I’m not… It’s a continuo thing and I don’t think I can take it anymore, cause I feel like what’s the point of being with me if I don’t even see him. I want to break up with him, but at the back of my mind it does seem petty but it’s really bothering me. Do u have any suggestions and I have tried talking to him he blames it on work yet he has time for all these beastly girls he’s friends with. ( I’m jut really frustrated) 16. June 2015

If he’s not making you happy & you can clearly see he has time to socialise with other people then leave. It’s not petty, you’ve spoken about it & nothing has changed.

Hey Oloni, I’m Bisexual and in have a male bestfriend and I kind of have feelings for hi it’s really weird because he’s a ‘ladies man’ so to speak it when I’m with him we cuddle and all that cheesy romantic stuff told him a year ago about my feelings and he was strangely fine about it but ever since then we’ve gotten closer than before and he sends me saucy photos which confuses me even more and it’s confusing me to a whole level but I’m slightly nervous about seeing him again because I don’t know what might happen between us because I dont think I can hide my feelings anymore but on the other hand I don’t want anything to happen because it might mess him about what should I do? 16. June 2015

Do you feel anything can come out of you both taking it to another level? You’ve moved past being platonic, but you need to have a conversation about it again so no one is sending mixed signals.

I’ve been going steady with my boyf for 3 months but we haven’t had sex yet. Crazy enough tho I was on his phone and I saw a NUDE OF ME which I did not send to him! I know it’s me because of the nipple piercing and tattoo on my rib. Im freaked out cos I never sent this to him. I know nudes get around but I sent this pic to my closest girl and I know she’d never snake me like that. Plus she doesn’t know my man. And what’s crazy is dat I checked the day the pic was saved ans it was saved on the same day as he dmd me on insta. I’m proper baffled help me, can u make this QOTD I 16. June 2015

That’s so scary. Ask him about then honestly cut.

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