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You shouldn’t feel ashamed of the size of your penis. As long as you know HOW to use it and make the experience pleasurable. Some guys have the dick the size of the empire state and have no clue on how to use it. It sounds like he’s taking your presence for granted. Speak up, talk to him and let him know how you feel. Once you have spoken give it a few weeks and see if things change. Hopefully the discussion you have will allow his actions to match his words. Another thing? Unless you’re AT LEAST engaged you really shouldn’t be living together. It’s not always the best ideas for couples who aren’t at that level of commitment. It creates situations like this. Try making sure you get their number also and practice dating. Make dating a hobby, and make sure you’re try your best to go to different laces to meet new men. If you want more guidance then see my relationship coaching packages. HERE I’m really glad to hear that. The next one is called The Love You Deserve. Tickets have just been released so get yours here: There are usually signs. Here’s an article I wrote about it.
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