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Omg ergh hi oloni, life is a mess loooooooool basically me and this guy got reunited after 3 years. Been talking awhile he came to mine we had sex my pussy was very tight as it had been a while. I was more than wet and his dick went soft during sex. It was weird as this was our first time . So anyways I just had to stop it looooool then told him we need to just stop talking but he just stayed in my house and kept watching a film like he couldn’t tell I’m not on it. Loooooool why did it go soft that has never happened before. Do you think he wasn’t enjoying the sex? He said he was but he could just be lying omg I’m so embarrassed complete waste of my time tbh 16. August 2015

From your message it sounds like you were being immature about the situation. This is very common and happens to a lot of guys, it has nothing to do with finding you attractive.

Hey Oloni, basically I’ve recently broken up with someone because they were simply too much stress and I didn’t want to be involved anymore. They were obsessive and paranoid and in the end I just was no longer interested. But now HE WONT LEAVE ME ALONE, he is just so clingy, I block his number, whatsapp, snapchat, Instagram, even Skype. He sti finds a way, he check who I follow on Twitter? My favourites, he knows what I’m tweeting by the seconds. No joke. If a cyber restraining order existed I would get it. I block his twitter he just uses another account. I just don’t know what to do, I feel claustrophobic tbh, like LEAVE ME THE ALONE. What should I do? 16. August 2015

He’s harassing you. Go to the police and report it. He should not be disturbing you after you’ve made it clear you wish to no longer continue with the relationship.

My girlfriend (well she basically is) is going to uni next year and I’m in the year below, we’ve been bestfriends for basically a yea now and gotten more serious in the last few months, how do you think we could maintain our relationship whilst living far away and basically different lives 16. August 2015

Maintain your relationship by not thinking about the distance at all. There are several ways you can communicate, facetime, skype, texting, email etc. Find what woks for you and do is often as you can, call each other regularly and when you can visit.

This guy I know has been with his girl for five years and we met each other at a party. We both were kind of the lames ones there so we started talking and we clicked instantly. A day later I’m at his house and we both opened up a whole to each other. Something I haven’t been able to do with just anyone and he said the same. He kissed me and I let it happen even if he had a girlfriend. I know this all kinds of messed up, but we are really feeling each other. He said he wants something with me, but can’t just leave his girlfriend of five years because it’s not that simple and how does he know I’m going to stay with him he questions. What if I end just leaving and what not. Idk what to do. I don’t even think I want him as a boyfriend though. I just met him. It just feels wrong that we keep talking even if he has a girlfriend. 14. August 2015

You should really stop talking to this guy. He’s cheated and is clearly a disloyal person which are traits of a bad character. I’m actually confused as to what you’re asking. Do you want me to tell you to give him a chance, because I wont. He is not going to leave his girlfriend as he explained and even if he did, why would you want the relationship to be built on dishonesty?

My bf is talking to a girl that contributed to the reason for our previous breakup and I’ve told him how I feel about it and that is rather he does not talk to her simply because of the fact that she somewhat contributed to why we previously broke up. Am I wrong for expressing my views to him and telling him not to talk to her? 14. August 2015

It is a reasonable request. If this makes you uncomfortable then you’re right for asking him to cut off communication. However, if he’s not complying there is a chance that something is  going on or she may be a second option.

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