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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

I’ve been with my girl for about three years now and still there’s something about her I just can’t trust. She’s wayyyy too sneaky and intentionally will do things like lead guys on as a method of getting back at me, when ever I mess up. What should I do? 31. August 2015

Speak about it and give her a chance, or move on from the relationship.

I really need help, my ex boyfriend of around 7-8 months repeatedly cheated on me and disrespected me, he is a compulsive liar and made me feel horrible about myself. He is one person with me and another with his friends, he says he still cares about me and part of me wants to believe him because I still love him. He sleeps around and I’ve given him so many chances for him to step up, I just want to be happy, what should I do? 31. August 2015

7-8 months? Say your goodbyes already.

Hi Oloni, I’m 18 and I’ve been seeing this guy for a few years on and off now but it has never been serious until the beginning of this year when we started sleeping with each other. He doesn’t see any other girls, he barely sees his friends as he is really concentrated on work and going to uni (which I perfectly understand and support). I’ve never met his mom, apparently she’s strict. I wanted your advice on what you think I should do as I really really like this guy and he is moving away for uni this September. When speaking to him about it he said he wants to concentrate on uni but added “who knows what the future holds”. He continues to speak to me everyday without fail and we get on so well but sometimes I think I should just stop to make it easier for myself but I’m not sure how I’d feel without being in contact with him. The distancing myself doesn’t work, I miss him too much. Please help .. 31. August 2015

You’re too young to be worrying about a guy! What he just explained was that things will not be developing into a relationship tomorrow, but he doesn’t mind staying friends and talking from time to time. You’re hanging on to certain words, but missing the whole message.

Hey oloni, during uni I was having sex with a guy for around 4-5 months however during that time he would take me out and treat me like his “girlfriend” now we have gone home for summer I haven’t heard from him at all he’s completely dropped me. My ex boyfriend did the same thing. They just wake up one day and decide they no longer want me it’s really effecting my confidence as I think boys don’t see me as a “long term” woman. Any tips on boosting my confidence? 31. August 2015

Date different/MORE guys and don’t allow them to play with your confidence. They shouldn’t determine how you feel about yourself and if tnhat is the case, take some time out and work on yourself before jumping back in the dating pool.

Hi Oloni I have a foot fetish – I would really love to play with my gfs feet during our intimate times. But she doesn’t know about this, and I very very subtly hinted at my fetish a while back and she kind of gave me a slight weird look and then shrugged it off and we’ve never talked about it since. 31. August 2015

We all have fantasies and even fetishes, she’d your girlfriend so relax! However, if you wan to feel more comfortable about the F word then just let her know that you like feet. There’s nothing weird about it, and it’s very normal.

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