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Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hi Oloni, my ex and I ended things almost 3 years ago now. Since then, we’ve still been flirting with eachother and we still have this connection that we both ignore. After we ended things, he got into a relationship with this girl that clearly did not like me but pretended to have no problem with. During his relationship with her, we would still talk but not as much. However there was still this strong connection. Fast forward to now, we still hang out and talk to eachother but we have never resolved our issues or talked about our feelings. I still love him but I don’t know how to tell him. What should I do? 11. October 2015

It’s been three years and you’re finding it hard to speak about your feelings to someone you were once with?What’s stopping you? And how strong are these feelings if t’s held you back for so long? I understand he was once on a relationship with someone else, but now he isn’t. Speak up, or be prepared to miss out again

Hi Oloni, I have this guy I really like but he seems to show no interest in me but there’s another guy I talk to and he shows alot of interest in me even though I have no intentions of being with him. Should I say goodbye to the guy who ignores me or pay attention to the one who likes me? 11. October 2015

Neither find someone where a mutual interest is involved.

My boyfriend has decided to focus on his education. He really wants to succeed so he has said that communication and hanging out between us will be limited as he wants to concentrate. I feel neglected and alone as he is not giving me the attention that I would like. He is not even trying to set apart time to see me in between his breaks. So I’m wondering Is it worth it to stick with him or to dump him? 11. October 2015

If he isn’t making any time for you, you have to tell him this as it’s clearly making you feel unwanted. It’s great he’s trying to be more focused on his education, but if he’s unable balance having you in his life the way you’d like to then you have to think about whether or not the relationship should carry on.

I’ve been on an off with this boy for 5 years now, I’m 20 next year. We was serious for two then I left him cause he cheated on me and I turn the spiteful and slept with one of his friends. Since then he’s had a girlfriend who he claims to love and is with her but still calls me often and tells me he loves me and misses me, we still see each other time to time and sometimes have sex. It’s breaking me I love him but I can’t be like this I don’t know what I should do. I acknowledge so far what we have been doing is wrong and I’ve asked for him to leave her a few times every time he says no but is begging me not to leave him. How am I meant to move on from someone who won’t let me go but has a girlfriend? 7. October 2015

He’s having his fun because you’re allowing him to, he’s already said he won’t leave her and 9/10 men who are in relationship and cheat won’t end the relationship, unless they’ve been caught. You need to cut him out completely. Try going under the no contact rule, because you’re not only having sex with him, you’re still clearly emotionally attached. It’s unhealthy and the longer this carries on.. well the harder it becomes and the deeper your feelings will grow.

Hi Oloni, I go out and guys will ask for my number. We get to the texting stage and they’re either not good at texting or we get on really well but they stop texting me out of nowhere. What am I doing wrong? 7. October 2015

Try attending new places…you’re probably running into/giving your number to the same guys. Instead of texting try communicating via regular phone calls.

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