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Hi Oloni. I have just come out of a 4 year relationship that was toxic. I have come to realise very late on that i always put more effort and love into us then my ex himself. I just dont know how to start moving forward from someone i genuinely cared about. How should i handle the break up pain i feel? At work, i am so focused that i can block out the pain, but when i get home and rest it is unbearable for me. I also find myself being concerned about him and wanting to know if hes concerned about me which i know is silly. Please answer. I am in need of advice
22. October 2015
Break ups are always tough especially when they were for a very long period of time. You were together for four years and now this person you gave your all to is suddenly no longer in your life. The reason you can put it at the back of your mind at work is because you’re keeping yourself busy. One of the best ways I’ve advised many of my clients to get through a break up is by keeping their time preoccupied constantly. You have to be busy non-stop, so busy you don’t have time to reminisce for too long. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? What have you always wanted to do with your spare time? Find ways to make sure you’re busy. Remember it’s okay to think about the relationship, it’d be hard to block it out completely, but use this method to help the pain reduce. I hope that helps!
Hi Oloni, I’ve been talking to a guy for about 4 months and I’ve found out that he has a girlfriend but he doesn’t know I know. He’s the perfect guy for me and he’s expressed and shown how much he cares about me and so I don’t know what to do now or how to approach him about what I know. I don’t want to let go even though I know I should.
22. October 2015
Nothing positive is coming from this situation. The man you think he is, is a lie. He has someone else, so whether you like it or not, you know you need to confront this and break things off asap.
Hi Oloni I have been going out with my boyfriend for 2 years now and when I first met him I lied about my age ( just one year older) and I don’t how to tell him I don’t want to lose him ? Help
22. October 2015
You really shouldn’t lie about your age, it’s irresponsible and can put people into trouble especially if you’re a minor. You know what you have to do.
Hey Oloni, so I’m really ambitious and know what I want. I’m 21, and graduating uni this year. I never really had a serious relationship but I’ve talked to a few guys and gone on few dates, I’ve recently started talking to this guy(about 3 months) I absolutely adore how he makes me feel and truly enjoy his company. BUT he really doesn’t do anything (he’s 24) and works at a retail, but doesn’t want to Finish school and doesn’t have any “goals” in life. What should I do? Keep seeing him and hope that he might change? Or keep it moving before I really start catching feelings.
22. October 2015
If you’ve been dating for 3 months and he isn’t what you want in a man in terms of ambitions, do not start trying to see the potential in him because of the other things.
hey oloni, how long would you say is enough time for him to ask to make it official?
22. October 2015
After four months of consistent dating you should really know where things are heading.
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