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I’m a 21 year old female who is pretty much the last one to lose my virginity and I’m very insecure about it. Do you have any advice?
5. January 2016
I can’t tell you how to feel, but what I can do is let you know that you’re not the only 21 year old virgin. It’s very normal, despite who’s sexually active around you. Sex isn’t something you rush into, so don’t allow the pressure of society rush you into something you’re not ready for. RELAX. I promise you, sex is not going anywhere so take your time. You can still explore your sexuality even if you are a virgin.
Hi oloni, so I met a guy and everything was going great. He would promise to come seem on the weekends and fail to do so. He did this once and apologised and after that he confessed his feelings for me. The following week we became more intimate and he asked about my sex life which is non existent as I am a virgin. He said he was scared of Virgins. I noticed after that he was less interested than before and he would not come see me as much. I confronted him because I had started to develop strong feelings for him and he said he liked me too. I felt violated. He made up excuses as to why you couldn’t come and see me. I cut him off and stopped talking r him. But now I find myself missing him. Do you think I should have cut him off? Or good riddance?
5. January 2016
I don’t think he had feelings for you, I think he wanted what a lot of men want, sex. Let this go it wasn’t really going anywhere from the sound of things.
Sorry, I submitted early, me and my bestie have also kissed and discussed a future so I do have feelings for him but I feel he’s just with her for sex. Is it rude I see her as my wife fluffer or not hence why I won’t tell her he’s using her and told everyone that already cause it kinda makes me look jealous.
5. January 2016
I think what goes on in their relationship has nothing to do with you. He’s wrong for telling you these intimate details about his relationship, even if it is petty. She may or may not be your wife fluffer. She could be his wife.. right now I think you need to take a step back from this friendship because it seems like there’s a weird love triangle going on. You clearly have feelings for your bestie and I doubt any woman wants her boyfriend to have a close relationship where she could also see so.
Hi Oloni so I basically have a male best friend who recently got a girlfriend well seeing someone but she hates me I rarely talk to him lately cause I respect their relationship but she’s controlling like she withholds sex if he even tries to talk to me which I find hilarious but I really want him happy. do I continue minding my business or risk losing a friend over some petty girlfriend? Also, before they dated the only reason we couldn’t date was cause I’m saving myself for marriage and he’s a guy who I didn’t senators
5. January 2016
I’ve been seeing a guy for almost two years. We haven’t identified what we are, yet does and says the most amazing things. He knows I desire to be married, but makes no mention of what we are. When I bring up the conversation he tends to say “I’m already in a relationship with her” there’s no one else in the picture and he often emphasises that he “likes me a lot”what to do?
5. January 2016
You lost me at seeing a guy for two years..whatever you think you might have let it go.
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