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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hello Oloni, I’m a 23 year old woman and am still yet to find the one. I think the problem stems from me. I tend to give it up too easily and trust to easily. What can I do to change this and to actually keep someone around who actually likes me. 10. January 2016

READ: Lingerie Ideas For Valentine’s Day 10. January 2016

Hey so I’m seeing someone at the moment and I want to take it further with her as she does with me but I sometimes don’t find myself attracted to her at all. Emotionally we are connected she’s someone I can tell everything, physically she’s beautiful but sexually we just are not compatible and sex is a big thing to me. I know I should let it stand in the way but I don’t know what to do 10. January 2016

Many people make the mistake of believing that sex should not get in the way, if they truly like someone. Nerp. If you’re a sexual person or just need to be with someone who you have a sexual connection with, don’t lead yourself into thinking you have to look at the bigger picture. (If that makes sense) What I’m saying is, do not over look sex as it is a big factor in a lot of relationships, and quite clearly it’s one in yours. You’ve admitted that sex is a big ‘thing’ to you, so now you have to decide what you’re going to do. Carry on seeing this lady or meet someone else who ticks the boxes YOU need?

Hey, I’m talking to this girl and I like her, think there may be potential betweens but we go different uni and haven’t met in person yet but I get feeling she may be sleeping with other guys, we both single but obviously, if you like someone it’s a nice feeling. Any advice on what I do or say or should I just it to my self ? 10. January 2016

Make your priority meeting her first so you can actually tell if you really like her or not, as for whether she’s sleeping with anybody else, my dear that’s none of your business. Try asking her out on a date.

Hi Oloni, me and this guy have been friends for about 4 years now. Weve both been really attracted to each other but we both value our friendship more and agreed nothing else can become of this since it might mess up the friendship. We attend different unis and visit each other regularly Recently we had sex when we were drunk after a night out. Ive been avioding seeing him because i’ve realised how much I want to be with him. Im scared to tell him but he just thinks im avoiding him and dont want to see him. Please help me 10. January 2016

You’re going to have to speak to him sooner or later as this isn’t a guy you randomly met in a club, he’s clearly a good friend of yours. You’ve already established why you’re avoiding him and that’s because you’ve recently discovered you have feelings for him. Be honest and let him know what the deal really is. Yes, you both had a conversation about how nothing can happen between the two of you, but things can change, can’t they?

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