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Hey, You need to relaxxxxx babes, just relax. See it as no matter how it goes you are still the shxt. But maybe message him and tell him that you’re struggling with that, sometimes if you’re honest with that, the other person can help bring the best out of you by altering their approach and making you feel more at ease in person. So message him, tell him what you told me and see what he says, it might give you the confidence to be free haha. Best of luck. -Ebi Hey, As painful as it may be, you leave. There is nothing about that relationship that you should give you reason to want to go back. Take this as your way out. He has zero respect for you, but one thing he does know is what he is NOT willing to accept (as cheeky as that is considering what he put you through) you should take a leaf out of that book and learn to NEVER compromise your happiness and accept things that hurt you, because this is how it usually goes. Most times the same person who hurts you can and will walk away if you even think of trying to get them back in the same way. So leave this one. Block and move forward. Surround yourself with good friends. Work on your healing and always feel free to write in again if you need help with getting over him. But first step go cold turkey girl and focus on you. -Ebi Hey, I think you should let this one go. You can always care for someone, but he’s not going about in the right way and even if he’s not purposely trying to hurt you, sometimes when you haven’t fully healed from something you can end up hurting others. Now you’ve identified this behaviour, it is for you to leave the situation for your own protection. There’s no point forcing anything, protect yourself at all costs, take the signs for what they are and don’t settle for being second best, because right now that’s what you are to him and until he says otherwise that’s what you will continue to be. -Ebi Hey, You can’t force anything but what you can do is see where things go. Sometimes physical attraction can come afterwards. No harm in seeing where it goes since you do think he would make a good partner and then seeing whether or not you begin to find him attractive. This sort of thing happens when you’re trying to transition from a really dope friendship to a relationship, so just go with the flow and see where it goes and just know when to nip it in the bud. -Ebi
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