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READ: The Truth About Squirting 2. February 2016

Hi Oloni, i met this guy through some friends. He goes to a different uni, we’ve been having sex for 3months now, we vibe together so well, we spend all day talking and chilling with each other. To me he was just a friend who i have sex with, we see each other like every two weeks. Recently ive gone to see him, spent the weekend with him and he introduced me to some of his friends. It was a nice weekend, I really like him now, i half think he feels the same, but im not sure at all. I dont know what to tell him, even though i only see him every few weeks when im with him, i feel like im chilling with my best friend. So i really dont know what to do? Please help 2. February 2016


You just need to speak. I know that sounds so simple but that’s actually all you need to do. Just say, you feel like you want to know where he’s at right now about your situation just because it’s important to you to always be on the same page with whoever you are talking to at any given time. That’s all. If he turns out to not be on the same page as you, you need to make the necessary adjustments to avoid disappointment and hurt. Hope this helps.


Hi Oloni, I have had a history of depression as a result of some things that happen to me as a child. I was on medication and slowly came off it and now I’m pretty much coping. I have days though when I wake up and am just filled with despair. I don’t want to talk I don’t want to do anything I just need to lay in bed because everything is a task. My boyfriend is aware of this, all I want during this time is affection, comfort etc. However I’ve noticed every time I have one of these days (maybe once or twice a month) he turns it around on me, saying that I’m not talking to him etc and ends up ignoring me for the rest of the day. He has his own issues so I understand a bit but when he does this it makes everything 10 times worse, I feel alone and neglected. I’ve tried to talk to him but he just gets angry, please help on how I should approach him. Thanks in advance xx 2. February 2016


I’m so sorry. Sending healing and love your way. What is happening here is that he has no understanding of how to deal with your depression.  I feel as though depression is really hard for some people to understand because people have various experiences with depression which means there’s never one right way to go about it. It’s also down to the individual, things that may trigger negative emotions for you may not necessarily be a trigger for other people suffering from depression, it’s so complex in nature.  I also think he may not fully comprehend exactly how sensitive you are, especially if he hasn’t experienced depression himself. Someone being used to the fact that this is your experience doesn’t necessarily mean that they have any clue how to deal with it, sometimes it can really be trial and error. I also think what is happening here is that his sensitivity may also be drying out not only down to a lack of knowledge but the fact that this has ALWAYS been your experience, people just get more direct after a while which isn’t necessarily nice. So as for solutions, I genuinely think you should go to a counsellor together and separately. You need to work on your healing (don’t rush it, it’s a journey <3) But you also need him to be in some counselling sessions so he knows how to love you through this. Sometimes people need to be taught these things for all the reasons I mentioned above. Him hearing that from someone other than you may be what he needs to love you through this in the way you want to be loved. These counsellors will have experience with people in relationships dealing with depression and should give you the best advice on some of the important ways of dealing with it. Finally, you need to work on your healing yourself because you don’t want your happiness to be dependent on anyone but you. If your happiness is in someone else there are two things that happen, you feel entitled to a certain behaviour from them which when you break it down might actually be unreasonable/unattainable given the nature of what he may be going through, the second thing that happens is if they leave you, your happiness leaves with them and that’s unhealthy. You need to find ways to cope and heal outside of the support of your boyfriend (yes it’s nice and helpful and he is your boyfriend) but the truth is sometimes he will fall short, you need to speak with the counsellor about ways to cope in those moments. I pray for your healing lovely and hope this helped.



Hey oloni, Sent my message earlier but no response, basically I have been talk to a guy from late last year and only met up once which was really good and every time after that that he tried to see me something always Coke up and eventually hve to cancel. Fast forward to this year now, I actually made effort to change my habit this year and make efforts to see him. We were meant to meet up recently and had to cance again last minute, his response was really rude he said’ you are not even worth all the effort’ and since then I have been thinking if I was at fault and I think it’s from past relationships that I made so much effort in seeing them daily and eventually it didn’t end we’ll with that being part of the reason. So now I put my guard up and try not to be in their face. Now I think it’s becoming an issue in all my relationships. 2. February 2016


Sorry you didn’t get an answer. But see here’s what I think, I don’t think you’re ready for a relationship. I think you need to address your hurt from the past. I think you need to take time to grow in terms of the way you view men/relationships. I think you should come to an idea of how much you’re willing to invest into these things without opening yourself up too much to get hurt. You need a healthy balance. You need not to be afraid of being hurt in a way that causes you to isolate yourself entirely and stops you from actually getting to know someone in a healthy way. I think what works for me is understanding where I went wrong in the past and understanding what was beyond me. Sometimes things are genuinely beyond us yet we still internalise those things as if how we were treated had everything to do with our actions… on the other hand, sometimes there are signs, as long as you don’t identify certain signs whilst talking to someone then be free enough to pursue that person without being too anxious. Another thing that helps me is understanding the things I give to people that make me feel attached to them. So say for example if you know you’re susceptible to becoming emotionally dependent very quickly maybe you need to avoid certain conversations that will cause you to feel a premature sense of attachment, only you will know the things you hold onto that give you hope that “this is the guy” in the talking stage when he may not be. Sometimes you also have to deconstruct some of those things that you think make you feel invested, so say going on dates makes you feel attached, maybe you need to go out more with guys in a platonic/romantic sense so that you undo the sense of “losing something” when you actually do go out on a date with someone you do like. That way when you do you can just look at it as simply going out and having fun, not omg “I hope this isn’t a waste of my time”.  Also sometimes asking the important questions earlier on, so communicating at every point puts your anxieties away (when you’re dealing with a sensible man) it gives you the clarity you need, us girls like to overthink things sometimes, things that might actually not be that deep and if you’ve been burnt in the past sometimes you need to communicate that to the person you’re talking to so they understand what is going on and if he isn’t serious and least you get to know that sooner than later. Right now he just sees you as someone wasting his time which is valid and he has every right to feel that way and that’s because you haven’t made clear that you have valid emotions behind your behaviour (it doesn’t make your behaviour right) but at least he will be able to know whether or not he can handle that. So all in all you will not find that healthy balance until you begin to know yourself.


Hi Oloni. In the first few years of my marriage I met a guy who became a really good friend to me. He is also married. We got quite close overtime and although we’ve never had feelings for each other (we’re both happy in our marriages) something about the friendship just didn’t feel right. It has caused me (not him) a lot of guilt, like I shouldn’t be nurturing this type of bond with someone of the opposite sex. As the years went by our friendship grew closer, probably a bit too close at one point, we spent a lot of time talking, at times too deep and personal. That was a couple of years ago and then we started to grow apart slowly. Lately I’ve been trying to bring the friendship to an end because if I’m totally honest with myself it’s been toxic. I can’t say I caught feelings, because I’m madly in love and feel complete with my husband. And he is with his wife too. Unless I’m in denial but that’s very unlikely, he’s really just a friend I got a bit too attached to. Now I have so much guilt and remorse for having entertained an emotional bond that really shouldn’t have existed. The whole thing has been quite damaging i.e. I find myself thinking about him often and missing him when we don’t talk and resenting him for God knows what. Now I feel I have to cut him off completely and pretend he doesn’t exist even though technically the guy has done nothing to me. The struggle has been internal and he’s completely oblivious to it. I’ve been distancing myself more and more but even that doesn’t feel right because again he’s unaware of the roller coaster I’ve been going through in my head. As you know men don’t always notice these things. I feel the best thing to do at the moment is to just cut him off but how do you cut off someone who was in your life for years without an explanation? And most importantly how do you do it without opening a can of worms? bearing in mind we’re both married and I really don’t want to get into compromising conversations with him. 2. February 2016



This is a hard one. I’m not married but I will try my best. I personally feel like you should have a conversation in person but a very respectful one. I think via message/email a lot can be miscommunicated and that can lead to serious problems in both of your marriages, also that’s evidence that can be quite incriminating especially if the other person doesn’t act right. Assuming you both care about your marriages as you say, I feel like a discussion in person shouldn’t be a problem and I feel like it’s less likely to blow up as it’s in both of your best interests for it not to blow up. So just simply state “I’ve had a lot of thoughts about our friendship and I started to think whether or not I’d feel comfortable with my partner being as close platonically to someone as I am with you and the thought that I wouldn’t be makes me uncomfortable” (assuming this is what is at the root of your guilt, so it’s not appropriate for marriage). So continue on to say something like “I think we need to create some distance in this friendship but at the same time I want it to be amicable and I want you to know that that will include not talking to you for a period of time”. You need to keep your explanations short and sweet because when you talk more than necessary it’s easy for people to find loopholes and use those against you and it’s very easy to incriminate yourself so I don’t think it’s best to discuss things like your attachment with him because I feel as though that’s quite inappropriate, those are things you need to work out either by yourself or with a counsellor. You shouldn’t share everything that goes on in your head, especially with someone who isn’t your husband. Now you need to address your guilt because that’s at the root of your issues and that can be very destructive. I would suggest understanding that you’re doing the right thing for you and your marriage and going over the idea that you went into this friendship with the best intentions and once you identified a problem you did what was appropriate. Cut yourself some slack. But I also suggest going to  a marriage counsellor to discuss these feelings and thoughts privately, they will have way more knowledge on these things than me and they could also help devise a healthy way of discussing what occurred to your husband without him taking offence. I hope this helped.


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