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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

This ones a bit mad Oloni but I do need advice. So my ex whom I cheated on and learned from my mistakes with betrayed me in one of the worst ways possible. She had sexual relations with another female… A family member to be precise. That’s fucked me up when it comes to loyalties and boundaries, just need advice on how to look past cos it drives me absolutely bonkers when I think about it. 1. March 2016


That loyalty was probably shattered the moment you cheated, unfortunately not everyone gives you a heads-up before they’re about to do some dirt, (people don’t give heads-up when cheating in a relationship how much more outside of one) and having certain expectations of the other person after a break-up does leave you open to disappointment, even if those expectations are valid on an emotional level, on a practical/logical level, she doesn’t owe you anything, she’s not your girl, that family member probably owes you more than she does, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. So what you need to do is to feel what you feel but also do things that are what I’d call healthy distractions. Focusing on yourself, so your happiness, focus on your passions, force yourself to do things that you otherwise wouldn’t have done out of fear, go to the gym, buy new clothes, (apparently FIFA works), go out, work on your spirituality, make new friends, distance yourself from negativity. Block her on everything and if you can, distance yourself from that family member until you feel as though you’re in a better emotional space to deal with her. Don’t expect an apology in the way you may want it, just focus on you and don’t let anyone make you feel bad about that. Hope this helped, write in again if you need anymore advice. Also in terms of loyalties and boundaries, looking forward you need to really understand that her behaviour isn’t representative of all women, just like your behaviour isn’t representative of all men. Naturally you will feel scarred from this situation but don’t let it lead you to push away potentially great relationships, so maybe I’d suggest for now have platonic friendships with women who appear loyal and understand boundaries, so that you get your trust back up and so that those characteristics do not begin to seem out of your reach.



Hi Oloni, I have a BIG dilemma and I don’t know what to do! I’ve been with my boyfriend for a year now and I love him, I do. But he CANNOT TURN ME ON! It hugely affects our sex life as my sex drive is so low and when we do try it’s so ….meh. His kisses or his touches don’t turn me on and the sex is boring. How can we spice this up? If I’m being honest, I’ve only slept with one person before him and his sex was quiet bad too. What can I doooo? I’m scared the sex issue is going to end our relationship 28. February 2016

Hey love, the problem you have is more common than you’d actually believe. It seems as though you probably don’t have that much experience when it comes to exploring your sexuality, that and no one is speaking up. He’s carried on doing things that do not turn you on for a year, because you haven’t told him what you like or how you like it. For all he knows, he probably still thinks you love his kisses or the way he caresses you. Try getting to know each others body properly and dedicate time and effort to it. Remember, you have to SPEAK UP.


12 Things You Should Stop Saying To Single People


Being single is not a curse, so why do people always talk to you as if there’s something wrong once they find out your relationship status? A lot of people ENJOY their singleness but admittedly, there are some who are ready to find ‘the one’. What they’re tired of dealing with however, is having the same old thing being said to them, time and time again. I’ve compiled a list of 12 things single people are quite frankly bored of hearing…read more HERE

Hi Oloni, me and this girl have been speaking for a couple months now and we’re looking to move forward and enter a relationship however there’s one thing that is stopping us And that’s the distance in in London and she’s in Derby we both really like each other and want to move on but because of this were confused what do we do ? 28. February 2016

I don’t really encourage long distant relationships between two people who have just started dating. But it’s completely up to you. If you both believe it can work and have the same end goal for things, then give it a shot.


Hey Oloni, I was seeing this boy around my tl but paid no notice to him till we went to uni and realised we attended the same one. We started speaking and agreed to meet the next day, for that entire month of September we were speaking and going out but I was still just seeing him as a close friend, till one day he kissed me. From that point on we were doing a “ting” lol and just lipsing etc but that’s all it was till it developed and we started having sex. For 2 months we were having sex and from that point I started seeing him as more than a friend and heavily developed feelings. However, he started growing distant with me and not really speaking to me when he sees me. I did get pregnant and abort it cause I’m young and he stilldoesn’t know, but the whole of this year I haven’t spoken to him and whenever he sees me in uni he avoids me and just walks past. Where did I go wrong? What should I do Oloni? Help me 27. February 2016

Hey lovely,

Sorry you had to go through that, I hope you are making the most of the options available to you with regards to coping with your decision, i.e. family, great friends and counselling, if not make sure you do surround yourself with a great support system. What I gather from the information you have given is that he probably sees your situation as a casual thing and you saw it as more…so a situationship in some respect, which happens to many. I think seeing it as “what did you do wrong” isn’t really a healthy way of looking at it given the fact that you both weren’t transparent about what you wanted from the situation. I think you should see it as you both weren’t on the same page so looking forward you will do everything within your control to ensure you don’t find yourself in a  another situation wherein you’re not comfortable being as open about your true feelings, or the other person is not on the same page as you. You can do this by asking the important questions at the start of whatever it is you have, make your intentions clear before you open yourself up to him (be it emotionally or sexually, whatever you value the most is what you need to protect/guard so that you don’t feel as though you lost out/you’re lesser when the person leaves) and ask him what his intentions are in the situation, so that you know what it is from the jump (save situations where the person is a liar, hopefully that doesn’t happen to you though). You need to be very unapologetic in this area of things, even if he is obviously uncomfortable or is reluctant to discuss those things, understand that you’re doing it for yourself and not him and usually when someone is able to maturely have these conversations without kicking up a fuss, that’s usually a sign that they’re not serious anyway. Lastly, I feel like the guy does deserve to know about the termination, but since you’ve already delayed it, maybe wait until a time in which you feel emotionally stable enough to disclose that information, this is because how he reacts to it is out of your control and if he dismisses it or responds in a way that hurts you, that can take you back to a place that you don’t need to be in, especially being at uni. So when you get to a point where you feel as though you’ll be fine irrespective of the way in which he chooses to respond to it then be open about it, because for him, it was just a situationship that he decided to cut off for whatever his reasons may be, he has no clue about the true extent of your feelings. Hope this helped.



The Beginners Sex Toy Guide 


Whether you have or haven’t experimented with a sex toy before. This blog post will certainly help give you an insight of things you could possibly try in the bedroom with your sexual partner. I’m a big fan of toys as it keeps them bedroom hot, they’re essential especially if you’re after something more ordinary than vanilla sex.

Now I understand that a lot of people can be squeamish towards the idea of a cock ring .. read more HERE

PLEASE PLEASE OLONI READ THIS IT IS VERY URGENT! I’ve dated this guy on and off for a while and he gave me HERPES. I confronted him about it and he denied it he then slept with somebody I know and also gave her herpes to. His Twitter name is @********** please Oloni he is out there giving girls this incurable STD and it has RUNIED me and the girl as we became friends. It’s ruined my life as I feel dirty I feel like I’m losing my mind and have nobody to run to because I feel like crap and so broken because I trusted him now who is going to want me it’s definitely a deal breaker. Pls put it out there because he is sleeping with a lot of girls and has RUNIED my life and he’s doing it to many others. 23. February 2016


The Twitter handle in this dilemma has been blocked by Simply Oloni due to confidentiality reasons. 


Hey lovely,

I’m so sorry to hear that this is what you’re going through, (he is scum) but you need to believe that you are precious and that you are not dirty and that you have not ruined your life even though that’s how you may feel, it’s of such importance right now that you wish yourself well and stop being so hard on yourself. As for him I would say you report him to the police, it should be on his medical records that he has herpes (if he hasn’t signed up to a clinic as someone else) and is completely aware of that fact, it should also have the date he was made aware of his status. That is the only way to at least ensure that he has to deal with the consequences of his actions. But outside of that what you need to do now is get yourself clued up on how to live with herpes. I know people with herpes in happy relationships and or thriving in life, so do not think having herpes means your life is over or ruined. For as long as you are alive you can do all the things you planned to do. It may not feel good now but it’s possible, so what you need is hope. So I’ve done a bit of research for you:

  1. Genital herpes is a common condition, especially in people from 20 to 24 years old.
  2. According to the National Institutes of Health, many people with genital herpes never even have outbreaks or their outbreaks decrease over time (one or two outbreaks a year is not uncommon). The virus can lie dormant in your system for years without coming to the surface.
  3. HSV has no effect on fertility and is not transmitted via men’s sperm or women’s ova (eggs).
  4. Women with genital herpes can experience a safe pregnancy and vaginal childbirth. This is especially so when a women has a diagnosis of genital herpes prior to becoming pregnant. In the situation when the mother already has a history of genital herpes, she will have antibodies circulating in her blood which will protect the baby during the pregnancy and delivery.


  1. Ella Dawson on Living w/Herpes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wc0915ZhKiw
  2. Ella Dawson detailed experience on living with herpes: http://www.buzzfeed.com/carolinekee/lets-talk-about-genital-herpes#.xhvdb1bNjJ & https://ellacydawson.wordpress.com
  3. An excellent post on dating with herpes which addresses so many of your concerns: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/colette-kenney/dating-with-herpes_b_1609226.html
  4. WHY I LOVE TELLING PEOPLE I HAVE HERPES: http://www.womenshealthmag.com/sex-and-love/dating-with-herpes

Given this you genuinely don’t need to freak out. You can live a happy life with herpes, so many people do. I would say it may be of help to sign up to an online community of people who are living with herpes in order for you to hear about their experiences and understand that you are not alone. Depending on your relationship with the other girl who contracted herpes, you could both encourage each other. I would say don’t be afraid to tell a trusted family member, but if that seems like too much for you right now, seek counselling, so go to your GP and tell them you need support. Also make sure you are taking the necessary medication. Lastly, throw yourself into your passions, although it may not be easy, putting your life on hold is the easiest way to stay in a painful place, you need a great support system, you need to do all the things that you were previously too scared to do. Treat this like a break up, do everything that makes you happy, be it going to the gym, eating well, meeting new people, working on your talents, working on your spirituality, do it all. BLOCK HIM ON EVERYTHING. BLOCK HIM. At best get everything you need to say out if you feel you need to vent then BLOCK, do not have any contact with him. Don’t be afraid to write in again, you can also try out Oloni’s phone advice service whenever you’re in need, to help you get through this. Sending love your way. I hope this helped.




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