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Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hi Oloni, I really don’t know what to do. This dilemma is so long, so I’m going to make it as brief as possible (lol). I lost my virginity to this guy around 2 and a half years ago, after talking for 4 months, we remained talking for about 11months after that before parting ways on mutual grounds. However, after we parted ways he was still persistent to remain in my life and would attempt to do so by calling me at 3/4am to see how I was, ask if I’d had sex with anyone else and also to apologise. About 6 months after we parted ways all of a sudden news came out that he had a girlfriend whom he had posted all over Instagram, bare in mind he was still calling me and offering to meet up (invitations which I kindly declined). He left me alone for a while, however about 8 months ago his girlfriend called me asking if we’ve been interacting and I told her about the previous phone calls and the most recent one at that time which was a week prior to her contacting me. After this phone call mine and his toxic ‘relationship’ took a turn for the worst where he saw me at a mutual friends event and attempted to physically assault me. And that was the final straw for me, I felt like I could never ever forgive him. I had no desire to be with him because he had a girlfriend, however, I still had my heart open to us rekindling at a later date (silly I know). He made a fake Instagram account to try and contact with me on many occasions after I had changed my number, despite the fact he still had a girlfriend. Recently, our mutual friends forced us to have a conversation face to face with one another to steady the waters between us, and when there was a mediator in the room he was rude and very stand-offish, but when he asked the mediator to leave us to talk alone his tone changed completely, where he attempted to be flirtatious and remind me of old times, which are topics that I shut down very quickly. Anyways! Recently he messaged me again on the fake Instagram asking me to call him, which I did. He then reiterated that he didn’t want anybody to know about the conversation we had face to dad and the conversation we were having now. He asked me how I am, when I’m coming back to Manchester (from uni) and if my new partner is better looking than him. The next day he called me for random conversation and said that us interacting should be between us and our partners don’t need to know. He claims that it won’t eat his conscience keeping this from his girlfriend, however, I feel differently. He asked me again when I was coming back home and said that I should “holla him” when I’m back. I don’t know what to do, and I don’t know why he is doing this. (Sorry it was long lmao) (oh Yeah, btw, he ‘slags me off’ to everyone including his girlfriend, but behind closed doors he sings a different tune). 23. March 2016


Its extremely clear to me that you need to cut off all communication with this man. Not only does he have stalker tendencies, he physically abused you and had verbally abused on a number of occasions. He is a liar and he clearly doesn’t want you to move on but at the same time he doesn’t want you back. You need to leave this situation alone. Block him on everything. He doesn’t love you, he doesn’t care he is just obsessive. Furthermore he is dangerous. You need to put yourself first. If he contacts you again make it extremely clear that you will report him to the police. Also tell a trusted family member if at any point you feel you’re at risk. Lastly you need to tell your friends that under no circumstance should they request you speak to him “in person” or arrange anything like that in future…it’s rather risky and I’m surprised that they thought that was an appropriate step to take given the fact that he almost physically assaulted you. Hope this helps.




Hi Oloni/Ebi, me and my boyfriend have been in a long distance relationship for about 3months.I told him I was going to see him this May but dueto travel in to a financial situation as I’ll be relocating to another city for my graduate job in July, I can’t afford to travel in May anymowever promised him I’ll go in September and bore, I told him this he there for his 30th. He sounded too disappointed as he had things planned for us and I now I feel like I’ve let him down, even though he said I should sort myself out first then go part of me feels like he’s hugely disappointed so thinking maybe I should go just to please him. I feel like this is going to be a blow on our relationship, what should I do? 23. March 2016


Do all you can within reason. Disappointment is understandable but I personally do not believe you should do anything that can lead to even more financial problems later on down the line. He is operating within his budget as he did have the option to pay for you to get there, so I don’t see why you should go broke at his expense when he is obviously unwilling to go broke at your expense. So just do what you have to do. If this means the end of your long distance relationship then as painful as that may be, so be it. Just reassure yourself with the understanding that you did all you could and you actually made an effort but things beyond your control got in the way. That is life, if he cannot understand that then what else can you really do?



Hi Oloni, I’ve recently broken up with a guy and I fear my friend is preventing us from getting back together. I met the guy through her and she is actually his best friend and also one of my very close friends. Throughout the entire relationship we’d both go to her when we had problems, which now looking back was a massive mistake. Now we’ve broken up she’s convinced we were never meant to be and is trying to convince me the same. I’m worried that she’s also saying the same things to the guy and trying to keep us apart. I think the guy and I can work through the problems but she is getting in the way. I’ve told her to stay out of our situation but she keeps meddling. What do I do? 23. March 2016


I’m glad you have realised your mistake. The answer may not feel simple but I’d say communicate your feelings with her again and say if she doesn’t stop interfering you will have to walk away from this friendship. She is being highly disrespectful and respectfully terminating that friendship would be an understandable reaction to her unwillingness to stay out of a situation she doesn’t need to be involved in. Apart from that there’s nothing more you can do because he is also entertaining her input, you can’t stop him from listening to her but you can moving forward take note of all the lessons to be learnt from this and just wait it out and see what happens.



Hi Oloni, how do we get more men to visit the clinic?! I’ve recently found out that I caught an STI from someone I’ve been seeing for several months. I do not believe he cheated, however I’m convinced he lied about being tested after his last sexual encounter. This isn’t the first I’ve heard about men who have lied about getting tested. There are even Twitter jokes about males getting their friends to send them the NHS text. This is a serious problem and could lead to some people becoming infertile or even worse. It needs to be tackled. 23. March 2016

Hey lovely,

I agree with you it’s a very big problem. I’m glad you found out. I personally feel as though to lie about getting tested says a lot about your character. You slept with him with the understanding that he had been tested. Going by what you are saying, if you knew he hadn’t been you wouldn’t have. Given he didn’t cheat but he lied about something serious. That in itself is something you need to consider and take very seriously. In a lot of cases, a person will only take your sexual health as seriously as they take theirs. If you choose to look past this make it a must that both of you regularly get checked together. If you choose not to continue with this situation I totally agree with that decision, luckily for you you didn’t contract something worse or you didn’t find out late, all of which could have been a possibility. Hope this helped.


I’ve been with my boyfriend just over a year now but since maybe September everythings been going down hill. Constant arguing, I moan a lot about the annoying things he does and also his family are very cultural and I don’t agree with lots of things his mum says. I love him with all my heart and I know he wants to be with me but how do we get past the arguing and culture. Btw it’s not constant bad times we do go out occasionally but I would maybe say the bad is 50% of the time. I’m not ready to give up but it can be highly stressing and depressing. Please advise me 23. March 2016


This happens lovely. You both just need to sit down and set rules on how you will communicate your issues to each other without it reaching a place of negativity. You can either choose to do this by yourself or find an impartial mediator…ie. Counselling and so on. Make a decision to do good even when you don’t feel like it. So maybe go on dates that remind you of when you first met or do all the things you used to do…so that you’re reminded of why you’re together. You need to do more and more positive things to counteract the negative without leaving discussions unfinished or just sweeping your issues under the carpet. Maybe both of you need to honestly write down what is making  you angry. Then compare the list…then together work towards finding solutions to those issues. His mother will always be his mother but there are ways to reduce any interference without intentionally causing offence. Understand that what you let slide now will only continue. So if she is too involved and this cultural thing is getting to you, do not shy away from those discussions, just be respectful and request that he be impartial and think of the long term impact on your relationship. If there are aspects of his culture that he has claimed you are overreacting about then see if there is space for compromise and maybe find some people who share that same culture and ask them to explain in detail what those things mean and or represent. Sometimes annoyance with some of these things comes from a lack of understanding, the more you understand the less offence you will take (in some cases) if those things aren’t set in place with the sole purpose of offending you. This is all I can say given the fact that you didn’t go into detail. But hope this helped.





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