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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hi Oloni, I saw a girls name pop up on my boyfriends phone regularly so I ask who she was. He then told me it was his ex from uni years ago but she is also the last person he slept with before me. A few weeks later I read some of their recent conversation and felt uncomfortable with the compliments he was giving to her as an ex. I also found out through that conversation that they had met up with all their friends at a festival that I didn’t attend. I confronted him and he admitted fault but I don’t know how I should feel. I do trust him but how do I deal with this blatant disrespect? 18. September 2016

Hey lovely,

Yep you need to tell him to dead that or keep some distance respectfully.  I’m sure if it were the other way around it would be a problem. I’m also not a fan of the way in which you found out, that speaks volumes in my opinion. So simply put, just communicate and let him know it’s making you feel extremely uncomfortable (irrespective of whether it’s innocent or not, some boundaries need to be in place until you at least either feel comfortable with that and can figure out whether she is back in the picture as a friend or more. So basically you need to figure out whether she respects your relationship (assuming your boyfriend does too) if you don’t mind him not cutting her off completely for whatever reason.




Hi Oloni, I’m going to a party this weekend my ultimate Twitter/Instagram crush will be there. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know about my existence – please can you give me advice on how to get noticed. 15. September 2016

Hey hun, I think you should be friendly and depending on the setting, walk up to him and introduce yourself, it’s a party after all…people often get to know other new people in these scenarios. Make sure you have a wing(wo)man with you to help socialise. Be nice, confident and smile!


Hi oloni me and my boyfriend have been together for 7months we’re happy and everything but we’re both going to university next year. We had a conversation about it the other day and he claimed that he thinks he’ll probably cheat or there is a higher chance he will and it got be thinking what’s the point of us staying together if he already thinks he’ll cheat I did bring to him how I felt and He then said that we shouldn’t think about it now and we should just wait till closer to the time but I feel like I may just be wasting my time if he has a belief that he will cheat. I don’t know whether to finish it now or just let it play out and see what happens 15. September 2016

Girl, he just said that he thinks he might cheat. I can’t think of a clearer sign to let the relationship go.


Hi Oloni, I’m 21 and I have been dating my boyfriend for a year plus now. Recently, he just mentioned that I’m boring and lazy in bed and I totally agree. The problem is I don’t know how to initiate sex and I’m too lazy sometimes to get on top and ride. Please can you help suggest things I can do? This really matters to me because we love each other very much and we plan on getting married in 2018. Thanks! 15. September 2016

Hey girl! We can’t all be acrobats in bed, but when you’re getting into it, it’s always best to do whatever you’re comfortable with and can to please your partner. Initiating sex is easy and I’ll explain how. Try showing signs that you’re ready to get your panties wet my simply initiating a kiss when you’re alone and not those 3 second kisses, I’m talking full on action girl. Make sure you caress different parts of his body gently indicating what it’s time for. Dirty talking is also a GREAT way to initiate sex. Open the sex tab on here to read our many posts on sexual positions to give you the sexual boost you need.

Congrats on the wedding!


Oloni, I think my boyfriend is addicted to porn and masturbation. I have told him so many times that I don’t like him watching it and how at first I didn’t mind, but it’s become almost part of his lifestyle that now not only does it put me off him but also out of the mood. I feel like I’m not good enough and I do give him regular sex (we live together also) so that can’t be the reason I just think he is so infatuated with it and he’s only become more secretive with it now that I have expressed my feelings. I still notice him on his phone looking at early hours of the morning and even dissappearing to the bathroom. I really don’t know what to do, if he won’t listen to me and acknowledge that it hurts me then what can I do?? My self esteem is so low and the women he looks at are nothing like me! Its making me insecure and feel useless. Yet I do everything he wants in the bedroom I don’t believe we have issues there. I’m just feeling really hurt that I have told him and he is continuing in more secretive ways. I feel stupid but I’m tired of keeping my feelings to the side. 15. September 2016

Heya, thanks for writing in hun. It’s good you were able to communicate how you feel about his heavy interest in pornography, it’s never quite easy to tell your partner that something they enjoy immensely is  driving you up the wall, but it has to be done. You should never suffer in silence and put someone else before you.

You need to have another conversation with him if you think he’s truly addicted to porn. Let it be known that you’re aware of his secret trips to the bathroom to indulge and explain that you’re quite fed up and how it has affected your self esteem. Watching porn together can be seen as something healthy, fun and new to spice up any couples sex lives, but in no way shape or form should it take over.

I’d also advise you suggest he seeks professional help like a sex therapist. They deal with these issues all the time. Take a look at Paula Hall paulahall.co.uk 

I hope things turn out for the better. Good luck.


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