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Hi Oloni.. I recently split up with my parter of 5 years as we would argue literally every other month due to the fact I would catch him speaking to someone inappropriately or to a “friend” of many years claiming he misses her etc.. now you’re probably wondering why I stayed. And it’s because every time he would convince me he would change and that he doesn’t mean it. Last month I caught him again so I blocked him off everything.. he came to my house crying his eyes out saying he wasn’t being a man and that he did not value me and cannot live his life without me. However, I just can’t trust him again even though I love him dearly. Do I work on my trust or is it too late 🙁
21. December 2016
It’s been five years, I honestly don’t think he wants to change. He just wants to have you as an option, his favourite option. He’s done it several times so exactly why the water works now? He’s trying his luck girl. Let this go, or else you’ll get used to it and stay.
Hi Oloni, I love your site and everything you stand for! I was seeing this guy (he was my first) and it didn’t work out because are from different religions. How do I move on from him? Thanks x
21. December 2016
Thank you so much for your kind words. I answer how to move on from dating someone in my latest eBook, Dear Oloni. Get it HERE
My stepmum and I were once having a conversation about us never orgasming, after a while we started performing oral sex on each other and using toys. It’s been AMAZING. No feelings just exploring really. It’s been 2 months and my big sister caught us and she’s making me tell my dad or she will. I dunno how to break it to him. It’s just been 2 women experimenting, nothing more but he’ll see it as something big and I don’t want them to get divorced. How do I tell him without making it sound like a big deal?
14. December 2016
You and your step mum are wild inappropriate. If either of you wanted to explore wtf would you do with each other? ‘two women experimenting’ my ass. Two women being stupid as f*ck. Your dad married someone who he trusted to have around his kids and this is the messed up sh*t you’re both doing?
I pray to God you’re trolling me, but if not, don’t be surprised if your dad’s relationship gets very bumpy.
Hi Oloni . I was seeing this guy for 2 years during this time I fell pregnant and he pushed for me to get an abortion. About 3 weeks after I had it I find out he had a girlfriend of about 4 years. All hell broke lose and it all got really complicated . He chose to chase her and went back and forth between us twice. She stopped having it and he said he wants to try being with me . I found out that they still talk but only “banter”. How do I trust that his being genuine?
14. December 2016
Don’t trust him, get rid of this guy immediately. His past behaviour has shown how insensitive and deceitful he can be, so exactly why would you want that type of person around you?
Hey Oloni. I just started to see this guy a couple months ago. He seems like a cool guy and he’s really attractive. We went on a first date which was great however I just found that out that he has a girlfriend. He told me he was single this whole time and when I confronted him he said that the relationship was on the rocks and he was going to leave soon. I really like him and I don’t know whether to trust he will end it and go with my heart or just end it.
14. December 2016
The fact he took you out on a date makes him look incredibly slimy. It seems as if he was trying to play it safe and figure out if there’s better out there. Is that the type of person, you really want pursuing you?
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