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Hi, Oloni. My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 2 years. In the beginning my parents tried to warn me about him. Since June things have been rough. I’m tired of him walking all over me. He is rude & his actions towards me are bad. He apologizes, is sweet, & this bad side of him comes out again & the cycle starts all over. I tell him how I feel, but he just ignores my feelings. One day he even told me his words & rude comments to me is my fault & him kicking me out his car on my birthday is my fault as well. I know in my mind I want to leave to better myself, but I feel guilty. I don’t want to feel like I’m giving up on 2 years & I only keep forgiving him hoping he will change. Every time I try to leave he only intimidates me by saying “you will never find someone like me” “you will never actually leave me” & “no one will put up with you like I have.” I know I just need to leave for myself because at this point I don’t respect myself because I put up with this behavior and he doesn’t either because he keeps hurting me. I guess my problem is actually knowing how to break up with him when I build up the courage.
21. December 2016
Darling, you need to work on your self esteem, you also need to love yourself, because a person who loves themselves will never allow another human being to speak to them this way. Your aim is to find someone who is the furthest thing from him, who will treat you completely different from how he has.
What your boyfriend is doing is making you feel weak and small so you don’t gain the strength to leave. He is bad news and this relationship has become unhealthy. I agree with your parents and say you need to drop him fast.
He doesn’t love you, he doesn’t care about you. He is emotionally abusive and doesn’t deserve to be with anyone.
If you need more advice on how to break up with him. Call me here
I was dating a guy, who admitted he is a drug dealer when I questioned his suspicious behaviour. Everything was great between us at first but he has pushed me around a few times. Every time I cut him out of my life he always finds a way back and threatens my life if I don’t agree with what he says. He calls me a slag for wanting better than him. He says he has the connections to people that will come and make my life hell and that I’m lucky he is this nice to me. He has even had people wait in cars for me outside of my flat to report back to him on my movements. I went to Amsterdam (without him knowing) when I was away he entered my student accommodation unannounced but luckily the security didn’t let him through. I am petrified of leaving my flat and I’m scared to report in case he does something to me. I feel like I have no options
21. December 2016
Oh my goodness. I’m so sorry to hear that you’re going through this. You honestly have to report this guy. You need to report him to the police and a close family member (preferably your parents). You need to make sure the security guard at your student accom never allows him to enter either.
He is abusive and will only become worse if actions don’t take place. If you ever feel like talking privately feel free to book a call here
My boyfriend and I have been going out for 6 years during the first 2 years it was great I met his family , we were the realationship everyone wanted. I would take him on holidays for his birthday etc but it was like even when we were on holiday he never wanted to put me on his snap chat or insta – I one day put myself as a dp and he got upset. We had some issues after as I felt like he didn’t appreciate me as his gf. We went on a break a couple of times and during the break he nearly slept with a girl and I found out and he lied about it. After not talking to him for a few weeks he apologied and we went back out but things weren’t the same , I did not trust him and I found myself yet again finding out he was talking to other girls so I broke up with him yet again. I know I shouldn’t but again after a few weeks I took him back and he was behaving for a while but still acting secretive he would swear on his mums life he was not cheating etc but I broke up with him after finally giving up on his petty lies , I blocked him and deleted all form of contact and 2 weeks after breaking up with him he is promoting his new gf and saying she is the one he wants to marry. I do not want him back but I feel disrespected and feel like I want to confront him on this but I blocked all form of contact. Shall I leave him and move on or say what I want to say about the way he treated me and move on. Please help as I don’t feel like my story is heard and I feel like he is enjoying and feels no way.
21. December 2016
It sounds like you had a very rocky relationship with this dude my dear, but the truth is, he has moved on and although it hurts, you have too.
I get it must burn to see that he’s doing all the things he didn’t do with you, with another woman, but see this as something you can learn from. He wasn’t the right guy for you and that’s why you had all those breaks and he had all those slip ups.
Your guy is out there, you just have to find him and give yourself a chance to love again.
Hi Oloni, I have been with my bf for 3 years. We recently went out to dinner for our anniversary and he told me to get what I want(I am considerate with price since we are both in college). My meal was under $10, so I asked if he wanted to share dessert. He said yes so I ordered one that was $5. He looks at me crazy in front of the waitress, which embarrassed me, and started complaining and chastising me for ordering an “expensive” dessert. Let’s just say dinner was quiet. I love him, but that he was rude and being a cheap ass. What should I do?
21. December 2016
Have a conversation about it. Tell him you were embarrassed and next time discuss the dinner budget so this doesn’t happen again.
Hi oloni, me and my sons father have started being intimate again. We talk about the future, marriage, buying a home and more children. He says he wants to marry me in the future but not be with me right now because he doesn’t want to hurt me but how should I take this? I’m in love with him and want to be with him NOW but he’s not committed now. Am I right to ‘wait’ for him and the future I want while he does what he wants right now or should I just live my life and if we get back together we do. Even though we aren’t together right now I feel like the sex has complicated things and I’m being hurt anyway
21. December 2016
Hey hun, sleeping with anyone you have emotions for will always become complicated. What the father of you child is saying, is that he wants to be free and single instead of being in a commitment. It’s your choice to wait, but how long exactly will you be waiting for? He wants to have his cake and return to you after eating it all which seems unfair especially if he knows you want much more.
I’d suggest you stop sleeping with him and to live your own life as your feelings will only grow. Keep it strictly about the child you both love and move on from him.
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