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Hi oloni, this boy I used to see keeps liking my best friends pictures and it’s really getting to me.. me & this boy went through some shit and I don’t know if he’s doing it because he wants her or just to get to me as I have mentioned it to him before. I ended up having to delete him because it was just torturing me but I’m actually mad at my friend, although she’s not encouraging it I feel like she should delete him too.. am I right to say something to her or no? I know it’s stupid but it’s just how I feel 24. December 2016

It’s not that serious, let him keep liking till his fingers get sore. From the sounds of things, it doesn’t seem like what you had was deep enough to be confronted.


To get straight into it, my man refuses to go down on me, regardless of the fact I had never gave head before him and expressed it’s not something I wanted to do and YET now give him head for his pleasure because I care about pleasing him. It insults me that he can’t care about my needs to do the same as generally I get a lot more pleasure out of oral sex. It’s not a case where I’ve asked him and he has said no, but he has made jokes about how I won’t “ever be getting my pussy ate ever again” because I’m his now, obviously indicating he wouldn’t ever do it. I’m a shy person so I don’t feel comfortable just blurting out can you eat me out. But I am serious about him and I can’t lie it is an issue to me, especially as in all previous relationship I have received oral I am not used to it and he is making me feel undesirable and as though he doesn’t think I’m a beautiful creation which he bloody well should. I’ve no idea what I expect you to say but you seem to have a magical response to everything. Thanks 24. December 2016

Hey hun! Ahhh it’s so annoying when a guy doesn’t know what your body enjoys between the sheets. That comment he made though, ‘you won’t ever be getting your pussy ate again’ – So he’s basically aware that other men were giving you the full work while he’s doing the bare minimum lol?

Right, the answer to this is communication. I understand you’re shy, but shyness doesn’t mean your needs get to be ignored. Although you can’t force him to do what he may not feel comfortable with, someone you’re sleeping with regularly should know what your vagina enjoys most. You need to have more conversations about sex, so he knows it’s important to you too.

Good luck


Hey Hun congrats on your Ebook loved reading it. All the best for the year ahead. I need your help. Broke up with mt ex a few months ago because I cannot trust him and after a year an half of constant arguments and fights I become to miserable to continue. The problem is we started taking again and us just talking is okay and I don’t wan to move it any further as I don’t see the point he wan to continue where we left off but I really can’t. When we talk I still see hints of his controlling behaviour and aggressiveness some of the reasons why I had to end the relationship. My issue now when I try to tell him he just ignore the topic or claim that I am talking to other people which I am or doing because he he broke my trust in people and I don’t want to be with anyone. I am nowhere near ready. He just cannot accept that I don’t want him or anyone I just wan to concentrate on my work and building my future. I feel really down when he says this this because I wish things were different but he was very hot tempered and and I don’t want to go back to that. Am happy where we are I don’t see him and only communicate via text and sometimes calls. Please I need your advise. I appreciate it very much. 24. December 2016

Hey love thank you.

Personally I think you should cut off all communication with your ex. Nothing great is going to come out of talking to him, even if you never see each other. It still gives him room to have a type of link with you. This also, stops you from moving forward.


Hey oloni, I’ve been with my boyfriend for just over a year but I don’t like the way he talks to me at times. He’s amazing and genuinely loves me but sometimes speaks down to me or is really aggressive with his tone. “Yeah, I bet you’d go out looking like that” he passes stuff like this off as banter but I don’t like it and I’ve told him countless times but it’s like he doesn’t notice he’s even doing it anymore. What can I do please? 24. December 2016

If you’ve done all you can by telling him, there’s nothing else that I can say. You either stay and deal with it, or leave him since he won’t listen.


I found out my sister slept with my bf, got pregnant with him and had an abortion. She confirmed the rumour is true and I can’t trust her anymore. What should I do? 21. December 2016

Wow. This type of betrayal would give anyone trust issues, but right now I think it’d be best if you kept your distance from her till you heal. I’d also also advise you to obviously dump your boyfriend. They both crossed a messy line.


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