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Hi Oloni. My husband of 5 years (been with him for 9 years) has recently cheated on me for the 2nd time. The first time was when our daughter was 4 months old (3 years ago) and he had a whole affair. I somehow managed to get through it and try and forgive him. I thought things were good with us, but recently I found out he kissed a young girl (he’s a bus driver) he met on the road. He says his friend encouraged him and it was all a game, and I tried to leave – he begged and cried to me etc. I told him I haven’t forgiven him and I told him we need marriage counselling, and he agreed. I just sometimes think if I’m a fool to still be with him, thinking of future plans like having a second child when he isn’t loyal to me and his head is easily turned the other day. I sometimes resent him so much.
15. April 2022
Omg I’m sorry you’re experiencing all of this but I honestly think you need to leave this man immediately. He doesn’t respect you or the family you have. Someone like this doesn’t change over night. You should really consider therapy for yourself because I can’t imagine the trauma you’re dealing with. Do not let his tears stop you from putting you and your child first, he didn’t.
Hi Oloni, can there be a positive side to love bombing?
28. March 2022
Honestly I don’t know but I think time would tell, just be careful.
Hey Oloni. I have been kind of dating a married man, the thing is I didn’t know he was still legally married. Him and his “wife” no longer live together as they are getting a divorce “apparently” but I know more than to ever believe him. My dilemma is that I started to like him and even have sex with him before I knew he was still
13. March 2022
He’s not to be trusted, I’d run if i were you
Hi Oloni, I always have good sex but I can never cum/orgasm. I really enjoy the sex I do have and my boyfriend wants to make me orgasm but I don’t know why I just can’t, I hate feeling like there’s something wrong with me why I just can’t.
13. March 2022
There’s nothing wrong with you! It’s common. I think you need to make sure you spend time figuring out what you like. Try to masturbate and take what you understand about your body to the bedroom. Teach your sexual partner too & relax!
My partner and I rarely have sex, maybe once a week. And when we do, I instigate it. It leaves me feeling unattractive that my partner doesn’t want to rip my clothes off! I’ve tried talking to him about it but nothing really changes. I just wanna feel sexy again!
13. February 2022
Then you need to have another conversation and express what you’ve told me. Try creating a romantic night to try and get intimate again. Go out to dinner, come home and wear something that makes YOU feel sexy such as lingerie and see if this helps connects you and your partner again. If nothing is changing it’s up to you to decide what you want to do about your sexual relationship if the chemistry is no longer there. Good luck!
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