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Hi Oloni, so I’m a 22yr old black man from a very conservative religious muslim family, i’m also an immigrant but I’ve always known I was into guys. So it’s problematic af. Recently left Uni & always have supressed my feelings, so much so that I didn’t even experiment when in Uni. But, recently I’ve met another guy, we chilled & we make each other very happy. Lowkey can’t stop thinking about him & know i’ll fall madly for him if I keep spending time with him. This issue has completely wrecked my mental state, and I know i’d never be able to bring him home or be public with him.. Shall I just spare him this trouble & drop this before I get in too deep and hurt him? Any advice would be cool. 5. October 2017

Hey hun!! Thanks for stopping by.

I think the best thing you should do is try to be open with him and explain your position.

Hopefully he’ll be understanding, because it’s definitely no secret that people from certain backgrounds or cultures are incredibly ignorant to those who are either gay/lesbian/bi.

Share how you feel about him since you’ve both gotten to know each other. Hopefully this will help establish some sort or relationship even if it’s non exclusive.

*re-reads your dilemma*

If you feel like you won’t be able to go public, perhaps it’s best you work on your journey first.



Hi Oloni, I need help! I cheated on my boyfriend and I don’t know if I should tell him or not. I cheated once. Only because I felt like he wasn’t giving me attention and making effort etc. dw I tried talking to him about how I felt and seeing if things changed but they didn’t and I really want to be with him. I’ve cut off the other guy and told him to leave me alone. But I feel very bad n don’t know if I should tell him. 5. October 2017

Eeek! It was right you spoke about how you were feeling prior, but it means nothing once you step out on your partner.

Why did it take you cheating before you realised who you want to be with? That’s unfair and your boyfriend has a right to know.


Hi Oloni, so 2 years ago my mum re-married a really great man who I love like a second father. He had a son from a previous marriage and my mum has me and my sister as well. My step-brother is a little bit quiet but we get along quite well anyway. One day my laptop wasn’t working so I decided to use his instead, he wasn’t at home but I was sure he wouldn’t mind. Long story short I ended up using it and found his chrome history was full of porn videos and searches of step-siblings and incest porn. I panicked and shut the whole thing down. And acted like nothing happened but I feel so disgusted at the idea that that would turn him on and feel like I should maybe confront him? Or should I just Ray Charles the whole thing? 5. October 2017

Ahh this would be one awks convo, I say you ignore it. Pretend like you never saw it, not all incidents need to be discussed. Especially your step brothers fantasies.


Hey oloni, Me and my girlfriend have been together for 2 years and recently I have been seeing a change in her figure, like I didn’t get with her entirely because of her body, but it had a huge part to play in the whole me being attracted to her and getting with her, but lately she’s been looking fluffy, she’s put on like 20lbs, I don’t even like going out to eat with her no more because she orders more than me she’s eats sooo much oloni, I lose my appetite when I hear her munching fat burgers, even when I’m like “I don’t even want this no more” her fat self goes “dw hunny I’ll finish it” her mouth is a hover for food, my female friends are saying its relationship weight, I got in to a relationship, not a bodybuilding competition, I used to be able to chuck her about during sex pick her up and buy now I struggle, you know when something is so heavy you try and pick it and you make that sound like “hmmp” but you body doesn’t move I experienced that last night, I sometimes order for her like salad and shit like that’ll help lol it doesn’t, you have to understand how annoying it is looking it is seeing bad bitches on insta or even her age mates from school posting gym snaps and you can just hear her lips clap in the background, I’ll be like “Look at this girl, at the GYM” and she’ll say the girl is peng or cute missing the point, I even went low to call her fat on her curious cat and she just tapped me like”babe look at this pussy hiding on anon” I don’t know what to do Oloni, I’ve said Ungodly insults to her about her wait and nothing what should I do? The waist trainer I bought her I think she ate it because it’s cut in half, I love her a lot but I don’t know what to do no more? 5. October 2017

You’re an idiot. There are people who genuinely need my help and here you are on a woman’s website telling jokes.

Is your dad proud? I hope you put this much effort into your CV as you did with your story making.


Hi Oloni, I’m in weird situation right now, me and my boyfriend have been together for a while, he is really known on twitter well now anymore but back in 012 days he used to be a TL warrior and had groupies he’s claimed, I don’t have twitter so I don’t know about this but l, 4 months ago he bumped in to one guy that was getting corned on the TL but he must of took to far so the guy fucked the shit out of him right infront of me and he slapped me aswell for trying to back my man, Yes my boyfriend got slapped up being bad on twitter, lol it was so bad I had to call he’s brother to pick him up and then we went to A&E he snitched on the guy, and the guys boys are after him he’s been receiving so much threats from that guys people, but anyway how that comes back to me is, eve since that he hasn’t been himself he’s been behaving weird taking out his anger on me and shit he blamed me for getting punched and he’s been caught slipping like 3 times by he’s “paigons” ever since probably people he trolled on twitter the loser, but yeah like he’s been bahving like such a pussy lately and it’s effecting me whenever I say anything he just says shit I did this to him, if it weren’t for me going to want to go to the clinic with him that day he wouldn’t have got beaten up, yes he bumped into the guy that beat the shit out of him in the clinic, same place I got tested positive for STD that he gave to me but he’s biggest concern on me being the reason he’s become a bitch 5. October 2017

Dump him? Can’t even fight and he’s giving out STD’s.


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