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Hey Oloni. Prior to having my child, I used to cum every now and then. But since giving birth, my vagina gets incredibly wet during foreplay. Literally with the slightest touch. I could never squirt but now I squirt like crazy and drip throughout sex. The squelching of my vagina is so embarrassing! My boyfriend loves how much it has changed. When I hear the sound it makes, I try so hard to stop enjoying the sex but my vagina betrays me and just drips away. Is it normal for me to get that wet? 11. January 2018

Hey love, it’s completely normal for your body to be different. As women we’re always going to look at the changes our bodies go through. Your postpartum vagina is wetter and only because that’s the change your body went through, some actually go through a lot of dryness, so this sounds like a good thing. However, if it is making you uncomfortable, try speak to a professional.


Wow here goes. So my boyfriends foreskin is like a puffer jacket on his dick and I can’t take it but dude sees no problem with it. We’ve only been together a short while but I fell for him hard, he just caught up lol. But the anticipation for sex was high! When I discovered he was uncircumcised I was shocked because I’d never dealt with one before but I thought hey momma didn’t raise no quitter I can work with this. Yeah, wrong. There are really thin layers of dirt when he rolls it all down and he does it so casually it repulses me. But it’s like I love him don’t wanna upset him but ew. Basically I’ve been googling surgery options but don’t know how to talk about it with him? Is it something I should even be talking about with him and is this a valid deal breaker? 10. January 2018

Oh wow! I think the best thing to do is accept he’s not circumcised and instead, talk to him about cleaning his penis more and perhaps even giving it a rinse before getting intimate. We spend so much time criticising each others genitals that we forget what the male penis naturally looks like.

Please don’t make him feel ashamed of what he and every guy was naturally born with. Instead, have a mature conversation about what you’ve seen.

If you still feel like his uncircumcised penis makes you uncomfortable, then you might need to rethink this relationship.


So me and my man, we are very adventurous sexually. We like to try new things to keep us going. He brought up the idea of a threesome, which I eventually agreed to do. So I made him take care of the arrangements. And he ended up bringing a girl he’s been intimate with before. After the session, they got intimate while I took a nap. It’s been about a month, and he wants another threesome session with a new person. Am I doing something wrong sexually ? Or I just gotta walk away from him completely. 8. January 2018


Dear oloni how soon after having my baby do I owe my partner sex? It’s been 3 weeks since I had a healthy new born baby and my sex drive is on 0 which is really frustrating my partner. I understand he’s the head of the house but he wasn’t present for 2/3 trimester of my pregnancy and I haven’t been with anyone during that time, so he needs to understand that I haven’t had sex in so long and cannot do it on demand now that he’s back. But I really don’t want him to stray again so I’ve been trying to get my sex drive up but just end up feeling nauseated. A) Is this normal? B) How can I increase my sex drive/’turn it on in the bedroom post birth? 8. January 2018

Hey love it’s actually recommended to wait 6 weeks. But most importantly, you should only having sex when YOU’RE comfortable and ready. Your partners sexual satisfaction doesn’t come before your health.

If he’s making you feel uncomfortable a discussion needs to happen. He should be supportive during this time and if I’m honest, rubbing your feet, not having you here complaining.

Congratulations on your new born!


Hey Oloni. A girl posted a list of everyone I had sex with in Uni on twitter to humiliate me and several people from my Uni saw. I feel like the incident labelled me permanently as a hoe as many people from London to other Uni’s saw and still talk about it till this day. My dilemma is that men have nevet treated me well since, just using me for sex and seeing me as nothing more than a situationship at best or a “hidden girlfriend” because he’s too embarrassed to be seen with me. I am so tired of this label and what it has caused for my relationships with men and how I view myself. How can I make men see me differently and not just sexually or be blinded by my body count so expect me to hit? I’m considering changing my whole look and name but wanted to know if there was anything less drastic I can do first? 8. January 2018

Hey! Thanks for writing in. I’m sorry you had to go through being slutshamed. It’s disgusting that people are still putting women down for how they choose to have sex. It’s immature and just plain stupid.

I don’t think you should change anything about yourself personally, any guy who makes you feel like less, is not a guy you should be with. The right guy will come along, just be yourself and patient.


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