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Hi Oloni, sigh where do i even begin. Ive been with my boyfriend for 10 months now, hes a very respectable guy helps out at home with bills works hard ect. When we first started going out he was so amazing and used to show me so Much love & care. Now he doesnt even like kissing me in public or hugging me, i barely get compliments from him & he always tells me he doesnt care if he loses me yet when I suggest breaking up he says no that he wants to be with me. I feel so tired Oloni all i crave is love, he even refuses to go down on me just because ive had sex with one other person who was my ex of 2 years. I do loads for this guy but he seems to care when it’s convenient and i shouldnt be feeling like this after 10 months. Thank you
7. April 2018
I’m so confused. If he doesnt make you happy, why are you still with him? It’s coming off as desperate.
Break up with him already and work on your self esteem. This sounds like torture, relationships are SO pointless if you’re not benefiting from it.
Hi Oloni. The other day, I snooped and found out my man, whom I’m in a serious relationship with, was sexting some other girl. I got this from a chat he had with his best buddy. Apparently, my man was down for it but wanted to know what his friend thought cos this friend and the girl have some sexual history. Best bud didnt care about him having sex with her but still discouraged him cos of me. I however noted that my man was more concerned with what his friend thought and was down with sexing her since there was way I’d find out cos the girl and I don’t know each other. He also mentioned in the chat hiw he just wants sex and how he can’t experience so much with me (I sometimes get pain during sex in certain positions). We sort of had something a bit similar to this just last month and so now I dont really know if i should confront him again cos then my new snooping pattern would become obvious. So, I don’t know if I should confront him, break it off and move on or stay and give him another chance since he hasn’t physically cheated. I honestly would like to revenge by doing the same thing he did but that’s not really my thing. I’m young (20s)and don’t have much experience with dating. I really hope you have some kind of advice to give me. Thanks.
7. April 2018
Not much advice to give here other than to break up with him.
He’s cleat untrustworthy and has probably slept with other women.
Hi Oloni, I’m a black trans woman from London and dating has been really hard. Even though I look really feminine (I’ve fully transitioned) being open about being trans has almost barred me from having a relationship. I only like black men, in particular nigerian men and it’s been quite hard to find any that are into me and from London. I don’t want to lead any one on and end up doing something and it blowing up in my face. I’ve tried dating sites but nothing works, I only get old white men lol. Any tips?
5. April 2018
Hey hun! Dating in itself can be quite tricky so I understand what you mean, especially as you identify as a trans woman. It’s good when you know what type of guy you’re after but try to be open minded when it comes to what boxes you want ticked.
Still stick to dating apps, but also go to the gym on Monday nights (lol), go to different bars on Friday nights. Try to make new friends (use Meet Up) in order to meet new people. If you create a new network of friends, you also allow yourself the chance to find a new love interest.
When it comes to sharing that you’re a trans woman, i think it’s best to read each situation independently and to tell them when YOU feel comfortable and ready, just try not to wait too long.
Good luck & feel free to keep me posted.
Hi Oloni. So basically my man and his family live like animals. I’ve been with him for a year but only recently, I’ve been going down to his. When I tell you how FILTHY his house is. Him and his family aren’t ashamed. Whenever I go down, I’m always on the edge of the sofa. I used to hint so many times that he should help around the house but he doesn’t catch on. So last week I told him that the whole house is a pigsty and do you know what he said?! He said “It’s just a little bit of clutter”. When in reality, there’s clumps of hair stuck in the shower drain, grime on the windows, around the shower and bathtub, dirty knickers and boxers in the bathroom, dog and cat shit in the living room. There’s so much more but I’m gagging thinking about how dirty his house is. It’s so bad that now I’ve stopped having sex with him. He showers twice a day and when he’s with me at my house, his clothes are always clean and washed but when he’s home, he sees nothing wrong with the way he lives. Idk what to do. It’s so unattractive. Am I being stupid? Clearly someone needs to hire a maid for that family. Wtf should I do
5. April 2018
Omg ew!
You need to tell him how you feel and explain how disgusting it is. It’s very possible that eventually his unhygienic habits will start to show when he’s with you as the relationship goes on.
hi oloni, I’m 21yo cis/het woman. I’ve never really watched porn but am interested to try and have no idea where to start. I’m really not into fake/rly unrealistic women’s bodies which is why i think I’ve stayed away. do u have any tips where to start?
5. April 2018
Try Erika Lust!! Her work on pornography is amazing and is based on what porn should really be like.
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