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Heya! It’s best to just be positive about the situation, always be honest with your partners(s) and ask that it be reciprocated at all times. Every type of relationship requires patience, so remember that and you’ll be fine. Also, remember to always communicate. Oloni He’s trying to gas you out of using condoms during sex. Do not fall for it. Men are liars. Oloni Lol I cringe every time i read the word “loyal” yikes. Anyway, lol right it’s such a tough one and this is what I call a REAL dilemma. You’re going to have to have a proper conversation with him and explain what you’ve told me to him. It’s unfair on your housemates if he’s ALWAYS there. He sounds like a great guy so surely he must be understanding. Yes, he’s going through a low moment but you can still help him, whilst not living together as if you’re husband and wife. Is he able to move back home or is there a specific reason as to why he’s in your house? Be mindful when approaching the situation so it doesn’t come across as insensitive. You’re still able to support him without having him with you 24/7. Try suggesting that he visit you a couple times a week so you can help with his progress and so you’re not stuck having to splash out on food. When I say relationships are expensive, people think I’m crazy..but look at?? Good luck hun. Keep me posted. Oloni ???? Men are actually mad. There’s a reason why women are so fearful to the point they have to choose how to protect themselves. I’m not even trying to be bias, but he’s an actual idiot. He can be annoyed at most, that you lied, but to not speak to you for two weeks is so childish. I think this is just showing his true colours if I’m completely honest. Wait for him to contact you and explain how you felt. Oloni
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