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Hi! I was talking to this guy for a while during which he called me almost every single night even if it was just a 5 minute conversation, to talking on the phone for the whole night/morning. It got to the point where I started to develop and catch feelings for this guy as the relationship I had with him was quite intense, despite all the warning signs that I observed along the way. Problem is, one day he just stopped calling completely and I didn’t hear from him for weeks. He would then message me from time to time however, conversation was just never the same. Despite the fact that we only knew each other for a while, he was quite important to me and I still am not over him completely yet as I feel like I needed some explanation as to what happened however when I would ask him, he would just spin it back on me, almost blaming me. I’ve seen him on 2 occasions since and I didn’t feel as if he even acknowledged me one bit. I just don’t understand how he could just disregard me so easily as if nothing ever happened between the two of us? I know I should just get over it and I hate how it still bothers me till this day. How do I get over this?
15. June 2015
You get over it by understanding not every person you try to get to know will fall madly in love with you & keep in strong contact. Keep yourself busy & go out there to meet other guys.
Basically I seen a pic of my man at that RipTheRunway event with his lips all on another girl’s ear. I’m vex cayse he told me he was gonna play Fifa with his boys that night so he clearly lied. I ain’t spoke to him cause I’m so pissed. This isn’t the first time this has happened and I’m getting annoyed now. Do I confront him with the pic and demand answers or do I act like Idk and see if he’ll lie again so I can catch him slipping and make moves from there. I need ur help. Please maek this QOTD
15. June 2015
This doesn’t need to be a question of the day. But talk to him.
Me and my boyf of 2 years decided to have a threesome. I’m sexually open so did it for the heck of it. The girl who joined was a friend we met through someone else. Anyway we agreed that we wouldn’t contact her after it went down…..but Oloni 2 weeks later I’m seeing texts on his phone (yes i know i shouldn’t of snooped) they were sexting. I’m so crushed and feel like it’s my fault for going ahead with this orgy. What do i do? I don’t want to lose him. I was just tryna fulfil a fantasy of his.
14. June 2015
Oh gosh. The only right thing to do right now, is to tell him what you’ve seen and ask what happened to the agreement you made prior. Just because you’re sexually open doesn’t mean you have to put up with your partner dismissing the agreement and boundaries you’ve both set.
Hi Oloni. How do I tell my friend she needs to slow down without coming across as being annoying or rude? So, my friend beats several guys on numerous occasion, at first I didn’t really have an issue with it but now it’s getting too much. This year she’s had sex with about 10 different boys. I am really concerned for her. Even when she’s seeing someone she still beats about. Boys are beginning to notice this and I’m always defending her, telling them to mind their business and what not. I really want her to stop! I have tried everything, even introduced her to one of my mate but she just used him for sex. How do I speak to my friend without making her upset and losing our friendship because I really do love her. HELP PLEASE!!
13. June 2015
Honestly? Who she sleeps with and how she chooses to sleep with is none of your business love. If you feel like it’s causing a problem for you in terms of your reputation & friendship then it’s up to you to distance yourself or end it.
Hey Oloni Can you advise me on this. Few months b4 my birthday my girlfriend of 10months who I live with asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I jokingly said I didn’t mind a threesome. We both laughed at it and I honestly thought it ended there. She went behind my back and told my best friend(whom she always told me is cute) that I would love a threesome for my birthday and invited him to join!. They both planned it and on my birthday after we partied all night my best friend followed my girlfriend and I home. We started smoking and drinking again in the living room and before I knew my girlfriend was already giving me head in front of my friend. I wanted to stop her but It’s been a fantasy so I left her to continue. My friend joined later and we both banged my girlfriend in turns. After that day I felt so bad I couldn’t even look her in the face again . But I blame myself for putting the thought in her head. 2 months later, my girlfriend got upset that I haven’t touched her since my birthday (obliviously I’m not over the fact that my best friend fucked her). I tried to explain things to her but she didn’t care to listen.
13. June 2015
If it wasn’t what you wanted you really should have stopped it & asked your friend to leave. And why did your best frien not tell you that your girlfriend has planned a threesome? This is all sorts of messy. Have a conversation with her and see where communicating can get you both.
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