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Ive been talking to this guy for a few months who I met through a friend. It’s nothing serious, we have just been chatting. We are both physically attracted to each other and eventually the conversation led towards sex. Being the upfront person that I am, I asked him to clarify whether this was just sex or he could see us actually hanging out (either way I wasn’t fussed). He said for now that it was just sex but he thought I was cool and eventually it may lead to something, to which I agreed. Now a few days after this conversation he seems to resent the fact that I was so okay with the situation and thinks im using him for sex. Im really confused as to why he is reacting like this when this is what he put on the table in the first place. I’m not sure whether he is starting to like me a little more and just sex isnt enough or whether he just has an unstable personality lol.
24. July 2015
Hey Oloni. My boyfriend and I ha been together for 3 years. He doesn’t take me out, he doesn’t take me home neither does he even show me off. Whenever there are other are around he acts like we strangers but when we alone he says he loves me a lot. Last of all whenever I ask him for something he doesn’t give, no money, no gifts,no dates nothing. When I do talk to him about it he doesn’t find anything wrong with it. I’m really worried and I love him but Im not sure what to do either.
24. July 2015
This isn’t love, this is you wasting your time with someone who’s clearly ashamed of you. Drop him please.
Hey oloni. Okay my case is somehow. My ex and I broke up sometime ago and I still have deep feelings for him. Like I still love him. It’s almost two years now, and we broke up because of distance, but I still really love him. I haven’t even been able to move on to someone else cuz I still love him. I talk to him sometimes but it seems like he doesn’t care about me anymore. How do I get over him and move on?
24. July 2015
Stop all forms of contact. Talking to him is not helping you move on.
Hey oloni. I haven’t been with my boyfriend very long but we’ve been friends for the best part of 4 years so it feels like forever. Although we tell each other everything, I feel like sex is key in a relationship (my opinion) and I’m not as satisfied as I have been with previous partners. He hates the idea of going down which is what I’m used to and enjoy. I do love him and want to spend my years with him, however I do not know whether I can get over his rejection to perform certain things in the bedroom. Do I discuss this with him, or let my love for him over-ride my sexual needs? Please help oloni!
24. July 2015
Talk to him about it, and voice how you feel on the matter. Sex can be a deal breaker for some couples, but not all. There’s also ways around oral pleasure that can make it more comfortable to him if he’s open minded to it, such as using edible lube.
Thanks for posting my question. Let me be clear- he had the grades to persue medicine & that’s what his parents wanted him to do but he choose otherwise & I just backed him. I encouraged him to go into marketing. I was finding him work experience & all sorts and ge wouldn’t go to any of them, telling me it wasn’t necessary. I sent that question a while ago and A friend of a friend found me a firm to work at. I’m starting in August. When I posted about it on Facebook he sent me a long text about how I’m a bad girlfriend and, telling me I ruined his life. His parents also blame me. I’ve just been surrounded by my family & friends but it’s hard to stay positive.
24. July 2015
No problem at all. I always post different relationship dilemmas on social media to see different opinions so please remember that you don’t have to take their advice or mine. Right, so it seems like he’s honestly just turned into a selfish douche. He has treated the situation as if you met in between University and were f*ck buddies for a few months, not a girlfriend of 6 years. As I mentioned before, he has shown you his true colours and they are not pretty. It’s time to move on and carry on filling your space with positivity. You have done nothing wrong.
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