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He picks up the phone, he asks to meet up for a date or even just as friends. His consistency with the things I’ve just mentioned. As I explain very often. It is PHYSICALLY impossible to answer all questions. Do you want an immediate response? See the new Relationship Coaching service above. It’s that simple. This is a sticky one as I’ve always felt as though age isn’t always a big deal. However in this scenario the guy you’re dating is much more older & has the life experience you’re only about to learn. He’s a full adult while you’re only becoming one. It makes you think. Is he interested because he knows he can easily impress you? The advice I’d give if you’re 100% sure you’re serious about him is to sit down with your parents and talk to them about it. Explain what you see in him, tell them a bit about him and ask for their support. Not be stupid and leave. Culture or not, there’s nothing wrong with you informing his family about your new pregnancy, even if he decides to be there or not. His family have a right to know their son has a child on the way.
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