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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Dear Oloni, My boyfriend and I have known eachother for over almost 2 years and have been dating for a 5 months. It’s been going great between us until recently. Not too long ago, he confided in me about his desire to get closer to God. In doing so, he suggested that we become celibate. Now initially I went along with it because it made sense you know, I’m a christian too and I loved the fact that he was making such an effort to build up his relationship with God. The problem is that I just miss the sexual intimacy between us. I feel terribly guilty about this and can’t tell him this because i feel I’d be dragging him back into the lifestyle he’s trying to get out of. Spiritually, I just don’t feel we are at the same stage, but I love him with all of my heart. Do I go on celibate with him against my will, or confide in him? 21. August 2015

I think you should talk to him and let him know how you feel. You’re not dragging him back into any sort of lifestyle by expressing what has been on your mind. You also need to make a decision and ask yourself whether you’re willing to commit to being celibate with him.

Hi, I was seeing a guy and after a couple months felt it was the right time to approach him about developing the relationship as it was getting quite serious between us. So I discussed it with him and he said we couldn’t develop just yet because he didn’t think I was ready. It was a downward spiral from there. But the situation made me question myself, when I was so sure of what I wanted beforehand. Now I’m not sure whether I’m ready for a relationship or if he just wasn’t that into me. 21. August 2015

I wish you specified how long you were dating so I could evaluate your situation better. You should have asked him to explain what he meant when he made that statement as it seems like he was just trying to get out of the question you had posed.

Hello Oloni, so I’ve been sleeping with my university tutor for two years. I know it’s not the greatest way to find love, but he’s really supported me since I started. My dilemma is that he’s getting married to his fiance next year but I can tell it’s not what he wants. He’s told me if he had met me earlier hed have started a life with me after I graduated. Should I talk him out of it? 20. August 2015

No, you don’t talk him out of it. You need to find a new tutor as he’s taking advantage of his position. This guy is not serious about you and certainly not serious about his wife, but that has nothing to do with you. You’re doing the wrong thing by even suggesting you should talk him about of making a commitment to someone else. The only thing that should be your concern is how you’re going to end it before you fall in too deep and invest yourself in something emotionally.

Hey Oloni, I just have a very basic question. Should the guy always iniate the first date and should he also be expected to pay? 20. August 2015

No, women can initiate the first date, but as the guy it’s always a cherry on top if he offers to pay.

Hi oloni . My boyfriend of two years recently broke up with me. I really miss him but the way he started treating me towards the end of the relationship showed that he genuinely didn’t care for me. Should I try to contact him or try to move on? Because he hasn’t tried to contact me but I do miss him. Should I hold out for him or should I try to start moving on and maybe seeing other people when I’m ready? 20. August 2015

You need to realise you can do better and be with someone who cares about you. Be much more stronger and keep yourself busy in order for you to not think about it.

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